Test effectué le 04/12/2014 à 15:47:05
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magnetic particles
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google.fr (Web) | ademtech | magnetic particles | >100 |
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Résultats pour "magnetic particles" / google.fr (Web)
- 1 / Magnetic particle inspection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_particle_inspection
- 2 / Images correspondant à magnetic particles : /images?hl=fr&q=magnetic+particles&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ei=_XqAVLfbJ47davangcgJ&ved=0CDcQsAQ
- 3 / Magnetic Particles - NDE/NDT Resource Center : https://www.nde-ed.org/EducationResources/CommunityCollege/MagParticle/Equipment/Particles.htm
- 4 / MAGNETIC MICROPARTICLES and NANOPARTICLES - Spherotech : http://www.spherotech.com/para_par.htm
- 5 / Magnetic Particles : Particles and Kits for Magnetic separation : http://www.chemicell.com/products/magnetic_particles/magnetic_particle_separation.html
- 6 / Materials - Fluorescent (Magnaglo®) Magnetic Particle Inspection : http://www.magnaflux.com/Products/MagneticParticleInspection/MaterialsFluorescent(Magnaglo)/tabid/123/Default.aspx
- 7 / Magnetic particles, nanoparticle, microparticles, products ... : http://www.micromod.de/en/produkte-2-magnetic.html
- 8 / Magnetic Particle Examination : http://www.nationalboard.org/index.aspx%3FpageID%3D164%26ID%3D377
- 9 / MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION : http://mech.vub.ac.be/teaching/info/Damage_testing_prevention_and_detection_in_aeronautics/Intro_to_Mag.ppt
- 10 / Magnetic Particle Inspection - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DqpgcD5k1494
- 11 / Magnetic Particle Test (MPI/ FMPI/ MT) - LMATS : http://lmats.com.au/resource-centre/ndt-non-destructive-testing/ndt-magnetic-particle-test-mpifmpimt.html
- 12 / Magnetic Particle Testing : https://eis.hu.edu.jo/ACUploads/10526/Magnetic%2520Particle%2520Testing.pdf
- 13 / ASTM E709 - 14 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing : http://www.astm.org/Standards/E709.htm
- 14 / Magnetic particle testing, MPT, MT, surface inspection, subsurface ... : http://www.trinityndt.com/services_mt.php
- 15 /
- 16 / Magnetic particle inspection - MR® Chemie : http://www.mr-chemie.de/en/products/magnetic_particle_testing/
- 17 / Magnetic Particle Testing - MISTRAS Group, Inc. : http://www.mistrasgroup.com/services/magnetic-particle-testing.aspx
- 18 / Microfluidic systems of self-assembled magnetic particles ... : http://umr168.curie.fr/fr/microfluidic-systems-self-assembled-magnetic-particles-application-dna-separation-and-protein-dige-0
- 19 / Antibody immobilization on magnetic particles. : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18702173
- 20 / Bycotest - Fluorescent magnetic particles : http://www.bycotest.se/index.php%3Fpage%3Dfluorescent-magnetic-particles
- 21 / Magnetic Particle Clutches and Brakes | Maxcess International : http://magpowr.maxcessintl.com/tension-control/magnetic-particle-clutches-and-brakes
- 22 / microparticles GmbH: SUPERPARAMAGNETIC PARTICLES : http://www.microparticles.de/superparamagnetic_particles.html
- 23 / Magnetic Particle Clutches & Brakes | Precision Tork | Warner Electric : http://www.warnerelectric.com/magnetic-particle-clutches-brakes.asp
- 24 / Circle Safe | Innovators in the Manufacturing of Magnetic Particle ... : http://circlesafe.com/
- 25 / Parker Research Magnetic Particle Testing Instruments and ... : http://www.parkreshcorp.com/
- 26 / Tomographic imaging using the nonlinear response of magnetic ... : http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v435/n7046/full/nature03808.html
- 27 / Magnetic Particle - Attar : http://www.attar.com.au/magnetic-particle.aspx
- 28 / Magnetic Microspheres & Particles | Bangs Laboratories, Inc. : http://www.bangslabs.com/products/magnetic-microspheres-particles
- 29 / Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) for NMR and MRI researchers : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1090780712003734
- 30 / Sample Preparation and Magnetic Particles | Life Technologies : http://www.lifetechnologies.com/us/en/home/products-services/services/out-licensing-and-oem-sales/technologies/sample_preparationandmagneticparticles.html
- 31 / KARL DEUTSCH GmbH + Co KG - Magnetic Particles Test Benches : http://www.karldeutsch.de/KD_MP_Contents_EN_M1.html
- 32 / BD IMag - CD11b Magnetic Particles - DM - BD Biosciences : http://www.bdbiosciences.com/ptProduct.jsp%3FprodId%3D492309
- 33 / Magnetic particle hyperthermia: nanoparticle magnetism and ... : http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-8984/18/38/S26/
- 34 / Magnetic particles align to music - Photo de Singapour ... - TripAdvisor : http://www.tripadvisor.fr/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g294265-i72263023-Singapore.html
- 35 / Bizarre Magnetic Particle Revealed in Ultra-Cold Lab Experiment : http://www.livescience.com/42935-dirac-magnetic-monopole-demonstrated.html
- 36 / Transforming single DNA molecules into fluorescent magnetic ... : http://www.pnas.org/content/100/15/8817.full
- 37 / Liquid Penetrant / Magnetic Particles Inspection - NDT Instruments : http://www.ndt-instruments.com/products-and-solutions/11/liquid-penetrant---magnetic-particles-inspection.aspx
- 38 / Amine-terminated magnetic particles 50 mg/mL in deionized water ... : http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/i7643
- 39 / Magnetic Particles for Biomedical Applications : http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ramanujan/reprints/Bio%2520book%2520chapter.pdf
- 40 / Magnetic Particle Spectrometry: Institute of Medical Engineering : http://www.imt.uni-luebeck.de/index.php%3Fid%3D694
- 41 / Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Testing at ... - Publications : http://www-pub.iaea.org/mtcd/publications/pdf/tcs-11.pdf
- 42 / Magnetic particle technologies - LGC Group : http://www.lgcgroup.com/products/dna-extraction-kits/sbeadex-kits/magnetic-particle-technologies/
- 43 /
- 44 / Papilla-like magnetic particles with hierarchical structure for oil ... : http://xlink.rsc.org/%3FDOI%3Dc3cc44003f
- 45 / Anisotropic Magnetic Particles[Kantorovich group] : http://homepage.univie.ac.at/sofia.kantorovich/research/anisotropic_magnetic_particles
- 46 / BLT Research -- Magnetic Material in Soils : http://www.bltresearch.com/magnetic.php
- 47 / Magnetic Particles - Kisker - Products for Biotechnology : http://www.kisker-biotech.com/shop/categorie-107.htm
- 48 / Silver-Coated Magnetic Particles - Potters Industries Inc. : http://www.pottersbeads.com/egm/NorthAmerica/Products/ConductiveParticles/SilverCoatedMagneticParticles.aspx
- 49 / KIT - Selected articles - Magnetic particles for separation and ... : https://www.ifg.kit.edu/english/1884_550.php
- 50 / Additional Magnetic Particles | Polysciences, Inc. : http://www.polysciences.com/Catalog/Department/81/categoryid--370/
- 51 / Streptavidin Magnetic Particles - Roche Life Science : http://lifescience.roche.com/shop/products/streptavidin-magnetic-particles
- 52 / NDT Training Center: Training in Magnetic Particle Inspection : http://www.ndt-training.org/cat_mtcourse.htm
- 53 / Magnetic Particle Testing Courses from Lavender International : http://www.lavender-ndt.co.uk/magnetic-particle-testing-courses.htm
- 54 / Magsphere | Polystyrene Latex Particles | Fluorescent and magnetic ... : http://magsphere.com/
- 55 / Sera-Mag SpeedBead Carboxylate-Modified Magnetic Particles : http://www.gelifesciences.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/productById/GELifeSciences/29103144
- 56 /
- 57 / CINDE Courses - Magnetic Particle Levels 1 and 2 : http://www.cinde.ca/courses/mag_lev_1-2.phtml
- 58 / Controlled synthesis of magnetic particles : http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/70458
- 59 / Chemetall Group - Magnetic Particle Testing : http://www.chemetall.com/Products/Product-Groups/Magnetic-Particle-Testing/index.jsp
- 60 / M-PVA Magnetic Particles ǀ PerkinElmer chemagen Technologie ... : http://www.chemagen.com/m-pva-magnetic-particles.html
- 61 / Dynamics of magnetic particles near a surface: Model and ... : http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.89.042306
- 62 / The Rationale For Using Magnetic Particle Collectors : http://www.machinerylubrication.com/Read/2466/rationale-for-using-magnetic-particle-collectors
- 63 / Magnetic Particle - Constellation Technology Corporation : http://www.contech.com/magnetic-particle.aspx
- 64 / Magnetic Particle Inspection, MPI Inspection | Laboratory Testing Inc. : http://www.labtesting.com/services/nondestructive-testing/magnetic-particle-inspection/
- 65 /
- 66 / Detection of magnetic particles in hydraulic oil : http://www.miun.se/en/Research/Centers-and-Institutes/stc/Research-Groups/Visual-Sensor-Systems/Detection-of-magnetic-particles-in-hydraulic-oil
- 67 / Two-Dimensional Magnetic Particles - Science : http://www.sciencemag.org/content/282/5388/449
- 68 / Magnetic particles - Microcoat : http://www.microcoat.de/contract-manufacturing/solid-phase-coating/magnetic-particles/
- 69 / Micro- and Nano- Magnetic Particles for Applications in Biosensing : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elan.200603785/pdf
- 70 / Magnetic Particle Inspection | Institute for Physical Research and ... : http://www.iprt.iastate.edu/assistance/nde/tools/magparticle
- 71 / Magnaflux Inspection Magnetic Particle Inspection Method (NDI ... : http://www.engineersedge.com/inspection/marnetic_particle.htm
- 72 / Magnetic Particle Inspection | Talon NDT : http://www.talonndt.co.uk/ndt-training/magnetic-particle-inspection.html
- 73 / Monodisperse magnetic particles - Nanomi : http://www.nanomi.com/monodisperse-magnetic-particles.html
- 74 / RNDT, Inc. > Our Services > Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) : http://www.rndt.net/services/magnetic-particle/
- 75 / Dry Measurement of Magnetic Particles : SHIMADZU (Shimadzu ... : http://www.shimadzu.com/an/powder/support/practice/p01/lesson26.html
- 76 / A Model for Predicting Magnetic Particle Capture in a ... - arXiv.org : http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0612092
- 77 / Magnetic Particle Inspection Explained - Quality : http://www.qualitymag.com/articles/89339-magnetic-particle-inspection-explained
- 78 / 1 Manipulation and sorting of magnetic particles by a magnetic force ... : http://math.nist.gov/~MDonahue/pubs/mirowski_apl_200506_preprint.pdf
- 79 / Supplement to Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (Q&A Book ... : https://www.asnt.org/~/media/Files/Publications/Errata/2027_2ed_1prnt.ashx
- 80 / Magnetic Particle Inspection - Magnetic Inspection Laboratory, Inc. : http://www.milinc.com/services/nondestructive-testing-ndt/magnetic-particle-inspection/
- 81 / Magnetic Particle | NDTClassroom.com : http://www.ndtclassroom.com/Magnetic-Particle/
- 82 / Caltech Scientists Find Magnetic Particles in Human Brains ... : http://articles.latimes.com/1992-05-12/news/mn-1701_1_magnetic-field
- 83 / Micro and nano magnetic particles in liquid suspension Thin Film ... : http://www.tfm.phy.cam.ac.uk/directory/research-themes/magnetic-mesostructures/micro-and-nano-magnetic-particles-in-liquid-suspension
- 84 / Fast, Easy & Column-Free Cell Separation Ready Sep Go w/ EasySep : http://www.stemcell.com/en/Products/Popular-Product-Lines/EasySep.aspx
- 85 / Simulation of Magnetic Particles in the Bloodstream for Magnetic ... : http://stanford.edu/~echerry/FinalPaper.pdf
- 86 / Sera-Mag Magnetic Particles and SpeedBeads - Thermo Scientific : /url?q=http://www.thermoscientific.com/content/dam/tfs/SDG/CDD/CDD%2520Marketing%2520Material/Particles%2520Documents/Magnetic%2520Particles/Flyers%2520and%2520Specifications%2520Sheets/Sell%2520Sheet-Flyer_Sera-Mag%2520Magnetic%2520Particles%2520and%2520
- 87 / Protein AG Magnetic Beads - Pierce Biotechnology, Inc. : http://www.piercenet.com/product/protein-ag-magnetic-beads
- 88 / Magnetic Particle Induction and Its Importance in Biofilm Research ... : http://www.intechopen.com/books/biomedical-engineering-frontiers-and-challenges/magnetic-particle-induction-and-its-importance-in-biofilm-research
- 89 / Magnetic particles - Induflux : http://www.induflux.ind.br/en/18/magnetic-particles.html
- 90 / Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Physik 5: Magnetic Particle Imaging : http://bio.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de/magnetic_particle_imaging/
- 91 / Tenth Meeting - Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic ... : http://magneticmicrosphere.com/meeting-tenth
- 92 / Magnetic particle separation : a short review | Elveflow microfluidic ... : http://www.elveflow.com/microfluidic-reviews-and-tutorials/magnetic-particle-separation-a-short-review
- 93 / MPS || Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy - Pure Devices : http://pure-devices.com/index.php/products/products-mps.html
- 94 / Miami NDT, INC Magnetic Particle Inspection : http://www.miamindt.com/magnetic_en.html
- 95 / Direct binding procedure of proteins and enzymes to fine magnetic ... : http://www.researchgate.net/publication/223097666_Direct_binding_procedure_of_proteins_and_enzymes_to_fine_magnetic_particles/links/0c96052c5a9af9b5cd000000
- 96 / Magnetic Particle Inspection | TÜV Rheinland - TUV : http://www.tuv.com/en/corporate/business_customers/materials_testing_and_inspection/conventional_ndt/magnetic_particle_inspection_testing_services/magnetic_particle_inspection.html
- 97 / X-space Magnetic Particle Imaging - Berkeley Imaging Systems ... : http://www.bisl.berkeley.edu/magnetic-particle-imaging
- 98 / FAQ: What are the subclasses of magnetic particle indications? - TWI : http://www.twi-global.com/technical-knowledge/faqs/ndt/faq-what-are-the-subclasses-of-magnetic-particle-indications/
- 99 / MT Magnetic Particles - Gabi Shoef LTD : http://www.gabishoef.co.il/mt-%25E2%2580%2593-magnetic-particles
- 100 / Nanoscale composites improve MRI: Magnetic particles merged to ... : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/06/140616093615.htm