Test effectué le 07/09/2014 à 22:05:04
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Extensions iOS8
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Url |
Mots clés |
Résultat |
google.fr (Web) | appextensions.fr/ | Extensions iOS8 | >100 |
">100" signifie que le site testé n'a pas été trouvé dans les 100 premiers résultats (c'est à dire les 10 premières pages).
Résultats pour "Extensions iOS8" / google.fr (Web)
- 1 / App Extension Programming Guide: App Extensions Increase Your ... : https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/app_extension_pg
- 2 / iOS 8 for Developers - Apple Developer : https://developer.apple.com/ios8/
- 3 / App Extension Programming Guide - Apple Developer : https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/ExtensibilityPG.pdf
- 4 / Explaining iOS 8's extensions: Opening the platform while keeping it ... : http://arstechnica.com/apple/2014/06/explaining-ios-8s-extensions-opening-the-platform-while-keeping-it-secure/
- 5 / Images correspondant à Extensions iOS8 : /images?hl=fr&q=Extensions+iOS8&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ei=Z7QMVKXbHsztaNT_gJAI&ved=0CDcQsAQ
- 6 / Les extensions iOS8 : un nouveau monde pour iOS - Siècle Digital : http://siecledigital.fr/2014/08/ce-pourrez-faire-les-extensions-ios8/
- 7 / iOS 8 Extensions: Apple's Plan for a Powerful App Ecosystem ... : http://www.macstories.net/stories/ios-8-extensions-apples-plan-for-a-powerful-app-ecosystem/
- 8 / Share extensions in iOS 8: Explained | iMore : http://www.imore.com/sharing-ios-8-explained
- 9 / Action extensions in iOS 8: Explained | iMore : http://www.imore.com/action-extensions-ios-8-explained
- 10 / Extensions : iOS 8 étend le champ des possibles | iGeneration : http://www.igen.fr/ios/2014/06/extensions-ios-8-etend-le-champ-des-possibles-86284
- 11 / An In-Depth Look at App Extensions in iOS 8 and Yosemite - Mac ... : http://www.macrumors.com/2014/06/06/app-extensions-ios-8-yosemite/
- 12 / Introducing the 1Password App Extension for iOS 8 apps | Agile Blog : http://blog.agilebits.com/2014/07/30/introducing-the-1password-app-extension-for-ios-8-apps/
- 13 / Our 1Password App Extension for iOS 8 is already supported by ... : http://blog.agilebits.com/2014/09/03/1password-app-extension-developers/
- 14 / How to create iOS 8 Today extension and share data with containing ... : http://www.glimsoft.com/06/28/ios-8-today-extension-tutorial/
- 15 / iOS 8 apps can talk to each other | The Verge : http://www.theverge.com/2014/6/2/5773080/ios-8-apps-can-talk-to-each-other
- 16 / How iOS 8 Extensibility Extensions Work - Business Insider : http://www.businessinsider.com/how-ios-8-extensibility-extensions-work-2014-8
- 17 / Apple sets developer rules for HealthKit, HomeKit, TestFlight, and ... : http://9to5mac.com/2014/09/02/apple-sets-rules-for-developers-using-healthkit-homekit-testflight-and-extensions-ahead-of-ios-8-launch/
- 18 / Best iOS 8 features: Extensions make apps more useful | BGR : http://bgr.com/2014/06/09/best-ios-8-features-extensions/
- 19 / App Extensions for iOS 8 in Depth - InfoQ : http://www.infoq.com/news/2014/07/apple-ios8-app-extensions
- 20 / 7 amazing extensions we want to see in iOS 8 | Cult of Mac : http://www.cultofmac.com/291213/7-amazing-extensions-want-see-ios-8/
- 21 / Here's What You Can Do With iOS 8 Extensions - Mashable : http://mashable.com/2014/08/01/extensions-ios-8/
- 22 / 【iOS8】App Extension の実装方法 その1:Action - Over&Out その後 : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shu223/20140606/1402015233
- 23 / iOS 8 will bring third-party keyboards, Notification Center widgets ... : http://appleinsider.com/articles/14/06/02/ios-8-will-bring-third-party-keyboards-notification-center-widgets-safari-extensions
- 24 / Tag - ios-8 - iPhone 5s, 5c, iPad, iPod touch : le blog iPhon.fr : http://www.iphon.fr/tag/ios-8
- 25 / WWDC14 iOS 8 Extensions/Widgets Demo - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D15UB69VAdF8
- 26 / Explaining iOS 8's extensions: Opening the platform while keeping it ... : https://news.ycombinator.com/item%3Fid%3D7866790
- 27 / Cultured Code shows off a Things app extension for iOS 8 - AppAdvice : http://appadvice.com/appnn/2014/09/cultured-code-shows-off-a-things-app-extension-for-ios-8
- 28 / Dragging Gestures in iOS 8 Today Extensions - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24563472/dragging-gestures-in-ios-8-today-extensions
- 29 / Avec Things et 1Password, les extensions iOS 8 sont prometteuses : http://iphonesoft.fr/2014/09/04/things-1password-extensions-ios-8-sont-prometteuses
- 30 / Example iOS 8 Widgets and Extensions : apple - Reddit : http://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/27mjan/example_ios_8_widgets_and_extensions/
- 31 / iOS 8 by Tutorials - Ray Wenderlich : http://www.raywenderlich.com/store/ios-8-by-tutorials
- 32 / This is HUGE: iOS 8 adds extensions, including 3rd party keyboards ... : http://www.phonearena.com/news/This-is-HUGE-iOS-8-adds-extensions-including-3rd-party-keyboards-sharing-and-widgets_id56779
- 33 / LastPass Forums View topic - iOS 8 integration : https://forums.lastpass.com/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D7%26t%3D135285
- 34 /
- 35 / 1Password: une extension iOS8 qui changera la façon de vous ... : http://macquebec.com/1password-extension-ios8-changera-facon-connecter-vos-apps-mobiles/
- 36 / Les extensions iOS 8 Applidium, agence mobile à Paris : http://applidium.com/news/les_extensions_iOS_8/
- 37 / How iOS8 extensions could help college students dump their ... : http://gigaom.com/2014/06/29/how-ios8-extensions-could-help-college-students-dump-their-laptops-and-rely-on-their-ipads/
- 38 / iOS8 Day-by-Day :: Day 23 :: Photo Extension - ShinobiControls : http://www.shinobicontrols.com/blog/posts/2014/09/02/ios8-day-by-day-day-23-photo-extension
- 39 /
- 40 / Five Third Party Extensions Announced for iOS 8 - The Mac Observer : http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/apps-with-extensions-in-ios-8
- 41 / iOS 8 & les extensions "Apple semble nous avoir compris", déclare ... : http://www.mac4ever.com/actu/90547_ios-8-les-extensions-apple-semble-nous-avoir-compris-declare-le-pdg-d-antidote-interview
- 42 / iOS 8 release date, news and features | News | TechRadar : http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/ios-8-10-things-we-want-to-see-1166133
- 43 / Sharing data between your app and a Today Extension on iOS 8 ... : http://tapadoo.com/2014/sharing-nsuserdefaults-between-your-app-and-a-today-extension-on-ios-8/
- 44 / iOS 8 preview: AgileBits releases 1Password extension | Macworld : http://www.macworld.com/article/2459646/ios-8-preview-agilebits-releases-1password-extension.html
- 45 / New iOS 8 Safari extension the most impressive yet - SlashGear : http://www.slashgear.com/new-ios-8-safari-extension-the-most-impressive-yet-30335933/
- 46 / → An In-Depth Look at Extensions in iOS 8 and OS X 10.10 ... : http://www.bachyaproductions.com/in-depth-look-extensions-ios-8-os-x-10-10/
- 47 / Here's A Quick Demo Of How iOS 8 Safari Extensions Work [Video ... : http://www.redmondpie.com/heres-a-quick-demo-of-how-ios-8-safari-extensions-work-video/
- 48 / What are Extensions in iOS 8 and Why Should Enterprises Care ... : https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140709144710-47864457-what-are-extensions-in-ios-8-and-why-should-enterprises-care
- 49 / Extensions, TouchID, HomeKit and CloudKit: Gifts from Apple for iOS ... : http://blog.clearbridgemobile.com/post/87714797382/extensions-touchid-homekit-and-cloudkit-gifts-from
- 50 / Harry Brignull on Twitter: So will iOS 8's extensions allow Adblock ... : https://twitter.com/harrybr/status/474482776532480000
- 51 / Next Generation Mobile Applications and iOS 8 Extensions - Inside ... : http://blog.nerdery.com/2014/08/next-generation-mobile-applications-ios-8-extensions/
- 52 / 1Password proves that iOS 8, Touch ID and Extensions are the ... : http://mobilesyrup.com/2014/07/30/1password-proves-that-ios-8-touch-id-and-extensions-are-the-perfect-authentication-combo/
- 53 / iOS 8 Custom Keyboard Extension Source Code Example | Apps ... : http://www.appslimited.com/ios-8-custom-keyboard-extension-source-code-example/
- 54 / DasDev | iOS8 Share Extension With A Shared Keychain : http://dasdev.de/2014/08/12/ios8-share-extension-with-a-shared-keychain/
- 55 / iOS8-day-by-day/08-today-extension.md at master · ShinobiControls ... : https://github.com/ShinobiControls/iOS8-day-by-day/blob/master/08-today-extension/08-today-extension.md
- 56 / App Extensions for iOS 8 Everything You Need to Know | Byte Revel : http://byterevel.com/2014/08/22/app-extensions-for-ios-8-everything-you-need-to-know/
- 57 / Les extensions sur iOS 8 se montrent et sont prometteuses : http://www.tablette-tactile.net/actualite-generale/les-extensions-ios-8-se-montrent-prometteuses-157571/
- 58 / A Preview for Things' System Extension for iOS 8 Video : http://news.softpedia.com/news/A-Preview-for-Things-System-Extension-for-iOS8-Video-457539.shtml
- 59 / IOS 8 Offers New Ways to Interact With App Users | Chief Marketer : http://www.chiefmarketer.com/mobile-marketing/ios-8-offers-new-ways-interact-app-users-18062014
- 60 / iOS 8 et nouveau SDK : HomeKit, Extensions et autres nouveautés : http://www.clubic.com/os-mobile/iphone-os/actualite-706659-ios-8-sdk-homekit-extensions-nouveautes.html
- 61 / App extension for iOS - Slideshare : http://fr.slideshare.net/toyship/app-extension-for-ios
- 62 / Apple Built iOS 8, Developers Are Coming | Re/code : http://recode.net/2014/08/29/apple-9-9-4/
- 63 / iOS 8 Extensions Explained In 8 Points - Chupamobile ... : http://www.chupamobile.com/blog/2014/07/08/ios-8-extensions-explained-in-8-points/
- 64 / iOS 8: Apple updates Photos and Camera apps: Connect : http://connect.dpreview.com/post/7934751866/ios8-apple-makes-changes-to-photos-app
- 65 / New video shows how incredible Safari extensions will be in iOS 8 ... : http://news.yahoo.com/video-shows-incredible-safari-extensions-ios-8-213556210.html
- 66 / iOS 8 App Extensions Explained: How Apple Has Unbound iOS : http://blog.applause.com/2014/08/13/ios-8-app-extensions-explained/
- 67 / iOS 8 Share Extension Safari URL Example - Sundeep Gupta : http://sundeepgupta.ca/posts/ios-8-share-extension-safari-url-example
- 68 / Retour sur le système d'extensions de iOS 8 - Apple Mind : http://www.applemind.fr/extensions-ios-8-fonctionnement
- 69 / iOS 8 Extensions: Using Selected Text - Simple App Group : https://simpleappgroup.com/journal/issue-5/ios8-extensions-using-selected-text/
- 70 /
- 71 / Introducing Network Extension in iOS 8 and OS X 10.10 ... : http://ramezanpour.net/post/2014/07/14/introducing-network-extension-in-ios-8-and-os-x-10-10/
- 72 / Convert square blocks to Zawgyi with iOS8 Action Extension : http://yemyat.com/convert-square-blocks-to-zawgyi-with-ios8-action-extension
- 73 / Servin - Xcode 6 and iOS 8: What's New for Software Developers ... : http://servin.com/iOS8-Programming-Course.html
- 74 / Seven Essentially Helpful App Extensions iOS 8 Needs : http://ios8updates.com/seven-essentially-helpful-app-extensions-ios-8-needs/
- 75 / iOS 8 - NSHipster : http://nshipster.com/ios8/
- 76 / iOS 8 : l'extension 1Password déjà compatible avec de nombreuses ... : http://iphoneaddict.fr/post/news-132406-ios-8-lextension-1password-compatible-nombreuses-apps
- 77 / iOS 8 and Developer Extensions | DEG : http://www.degdigital.com/blog/ios-8-and-developer-extensions/
- 78 / iOS Pages integration in iOS 8 via extensions - Thomson Reuters ... : http://community.thomsonreuters.com/t5/EndNote-Product-Suggestions/iOS-Pages-integration-in-iOS-8-via-extensions/td-p/60659
- 79 / iOS 8 - Vine : https://vine.co/v/MFXHTa9I7Lq
- 80 / Programmation iOS8 Créer son propre clavier avec App Extension ... : http://labo-apple.com/developpement/developpement-ios/programmation-ios8-creer-son-propre-clavier-avec-app-extension
- 81 / App Extensions in iOS 8 Will Change How You Use Your Device : http://appscout.pcmag.com/apple-ios-iphone-ipad-ipod/324220-app-extensions-in-ios-8-will-change-how-you-use-your-device
- 82 / Share Extension, UIActivityViewController, and UX Concerns in iOS 8 : http://getnotebox.com/developer/uiactivityviewcontroller-ios-8/
- 83 / How to make a custom keyboard in iOS 8 using Swift » We Swift : http://www.weheartswift.com/make-custom-keyboard-ios-8-using-swift/
- 84 / How well will app analytics penetrate the new iOS 8 app extensions ... : http://www.quora.com/How-well-will-app-analytics-penetrate-the-new-iOS-8-app-extensions
- 85 / iOS 8 Gives Us a Glimpse Into Apple's Real World Payments ... : http://blog.kiip.me/developers/ios-8-gives-us-a-glimpse-into-apples-real-world-payments/
- 86 / iOS 8's extensions explained: Opening the platform while keeping it ... : http://macdailynews.com/2014/06/09/ios-8s-extensions-explained-opening-the-platform-while-keeping-it-secure/
- 87 / Ikomobi | Les 7 impacts d'iOS8 sur votre stratégie mobile : http://www.ikomobi.com/strategie-mobile/impacts-ios8-strategie-mobile/
- 88 / Crash Course In iOS 8 Widgets - wayne hartman : http://blog.waynehartman.com/archive/2014/06/04/crash-course-in-ios-8-widgets.aspx
- 89 / How the New Features of iOS 8 Impact Developers - CodeWithChris : http://codewithchris.com/ios-8-new-features-wwdc-2014/
- 90 / Daring Fireball: iOS 8, WebKit Performance, and XPC : http://daringfireball.net/linked/2014/06/09/ios-8-webkit
- 91 / Accessory Developers, Meet iOS 8 - Double Encore : http://www.doubleencore.com/2014/07/ios-accessory-developers/
- 92 / Apple unveils iOS 8, features third party app extensions, keyboards ... : http://www.tmonews.com/2014/06/apple-unveils-ios-8-features-third-party-app-extensions-keyboards-touch-id-and-a-lot-more/
- 93 / iOS 8: All the New Features For Your iPhone and iPad - Gizmodo : http://gizmodo.com/ios-8-new-features-for-your-iphone-and-ipad-updating-1584820649
- 94 / iOS8のApp Extensionsをつくってみる(Share 実装編) - Qiita : http://qiita.com/monoqlo/items/6ed93f0d2e719acd9474
- 95 / iOS 8 is set to debut on the iPhone 6 - Digital Trends : http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/ios-8-news/
- 96 / Apple updates developer rules ahead of iOS 8 launch - Developer ... : http://www.developer-tech.com/news/2014/sep/03/apple-updates-developer-rules-ahead-ios-8-launch/
- 97 / 1Password shows off their iOS8 app extension, and it looks ... : http://www.engadget.com/discuss/1password-shows-off-their-ios8-app-extension-and-it-looks-awesome-1s8m/
- 98 / AgileBits Shows Off 1Password Login Extension For iOS 8 Apps ... : http://techcrunch.com/2014/07/30/agilebits-shows-off-1password-login-extension-for-ios-8-apps/
- 99 / Third-party Access to 1Password via iOS 8 Extensions + Subtraction ... : http://www.subtraction.com/2014/08/01/third-party-access-to-1password-via-ios-8-extensions/
- 100 / iOS 8 Stats: Why the Age of Context is Going Mainstream - Blog : http://blog.skyhookwireless.com/apps/ios-8-stats-statistics-insights-why-the-age-of-context-is-going-mainstream