Test effectué le 03/04/2012 à 11:45:04
Mots clés
Résultat de votre test
Moteur de recherche |
Url |
Mots clés |
Résultat |
google.fr (Web) | http://blogs.technet.com/b/backstage_2010/ | Office15 | 78 |
Résultats pour "Office15" / google.fr (Web)
- 1 / Office 15 autorisera la création d'extensions web, les Agaves ... : http://www.pcinpact.com/news/69601-office-15-agaves-extensions-web.htm
- 2 / Office 15 se dévoile en images sans évacuer les doutes - Actualité ... : http://www.pcinpact.com/news/68883-office-15-arm-woa-captures.htm
- 3 / L'intégration d'Office 15 dans Windows on ARM crée le mystère ... : http://www.pcinpact.com/news/68941-office-15-windows-arm-inclusion.htm
- 4 /
- 5 / Office 15 succombe au charme de l'interface Metro : http://www.lemondeinformatique.fr/actualites/lire-office-15-succombe-au-charme-de-l-interface-metro-48229.html
- 6 / Images correspondant à Office15 : /images?hl=fr&q=Office15&start=0&sa=N&oi=image_result_group&sa=X
- 7 / La bêta d'Office 15, de Microsoft, pour cet été : http://www.01net.com/editorial/553996/la-beta-doffice-15-de-microsoft-pour-cet-ete/
- 8 / Office 15 : révélations et captures d'écran : http://www.linformaticien.com/actualites/id/23924/office-15-revelations-et-captures-d-ecran.aspx
- 9 / Microsoft Office 15... du bout des doigts ? | Silicon : http://www.silicon.fr/microsoft-office-15-du-bout-des-doigts-72196.html
- 10 / Office 15 : extensions Web à venir : http://www.generation-nt.com/office-15-extensions-web-microsoft-agaves-actualite-1556771.html
- 11 / Office 15 Technical Preview : Lync, accès à SkyDrive, Messenger et ... : http://www.developpez.com/actu/42452/Office-15-Technical-Preview-Lync-acces-a-SkyDrive-Messenger-et-nouveau-mode-plein-ecran-pour-la-version-Metro/
- 12 / Microsoft Office 15 revealed, simpler UI with touch-friendly features ... : http://www.engadget.com/2012/03/06/microsoft-office-15-revealed-simpler-ui-with-touch-friendly-fea/
- 13 / Exclusive: Microsoft Office 15 features and improvements | The Verge : http://www.theverge.com/2012/3/6/2848579/microsoft-office-15-features-improvements
- 14 / Microsoft publie la Technical Preview d'Office 15 : http://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/microsoft-publie-la-technical-preview-d-office-15-39768015.htm
- 15 / Microsoft dévoile Office 15 (Consulter le sujet) ? Forum ... : http://user.services.openoffice.org/fr/forum/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D2%26t%3D32271
- 16 / Microsoft Office 15 se dévoile en photos - Journal du Net Solutions : http://www.journaldunet.com/solutions/intranet-extranet/microsoft-office-15-premieres-photos.shtml
- 17 / Office 15 intégré à la version ARM de Windows 8 : http://www.cnetfrance.fr/news/office-15-integre-a-la-version-arm-de-windows-8-39768456.htm
- 18 / Découvrez Microsoft Office 15, nom de code du prochain Office. S ... : http://www.microsoft.com/france/office/office15.aspx
- 19 / Une Technical Preview pour Office 15 : http://www.journaldugeek.com/2012/02/03/microsoft-office-15/
- 20 / Office 15 Technical Preview : "Touch Mode", premières captures d ... : http://www.pinnula.fr/news/08747-office-15-technical-preview-touch-mode-captures-ecrans-informations/fr/
- 21 / Early Office 15 screenshots show elegant fusion of ribbon and Metro : http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2012/02/early-office-15-screenshots-show-elegant-fusion-of-ribbon-and-metro.ars
- 22 / Office ?15″ Technical Preview | calipia : le blog : http://blog.calipia.com/2012/03/16/office-15-technical-preview/
- 23 / Office Exec - "Office 15" Begins Technical Preview : http://blogs.office.com/b/office-exec/archive/2012/01/30/quot-office-15-quot-begins-technical-preview.aspx
- 24 / Microsoft Office 15 : http://forum.pcastuces.com/office_15-f23s30043.htm
- 25 / Microsoft Office 15 UI and touch-friendly features detailed ... : http://www.techspot.com/news/47691-microsoft-office-15-ui-and-touch-friendly-features-detailed.html
- 26 / Microsoft Office 15 apps to include 'touch mode' | ZDNet : http://www.zdnet.com/blog/microsoft/microsoft-office-15-apps-to-include-touch-mode/12018
- 27 / Microsoft Office 15 Preview : http://www.winsupersite.com/article/office/microsoft-office-15-preview-142569
- 28 / 15 things to know about "Office 15" : http://www.networkworld.com/news/2012/031212-office15-257008.html
- 29 /
- 30 / Microsoft Office 15: Ready (and Not Ready) for Windows 8 ... : http://techland.time.com/2012/02/24/microsoft-office-15-ready-and-not-ready-for-windows-8/
- 31 / A closer look at Microsoft's Office 15 Technical Preview | The Verge : http://www.theverge.com/2012/2/23/2818611/microsoft-office-15-screenshots-technical-preview
- 32 / Microsoft Office 15 s'offre un mode "Touch" - WebLife : http://www.weblife.fr/actus/microsoft-office-15-soffre-un-mode-touch
- 33 / Office 15 | Silicon : http://www.silicon.fr/tag/office-15
- 34 / Windows 8 sur ARM embarquera Office 15 ... et rien d'autre ... : http://programmez.com/actualites.php%3Ftitre_actu%3DWindows-8-sur-ARM-embarquera-Office-15--et-rien-d-autre%26id_actu%3D11058
- 35 / Office 15 supportera les extensions web - Revue de presse : http://www.futura-sciences.com/press-office-15-supportera-extensions-web_1611798_0.php
- 36 / Microsoft détaille Windows sur ARM (WOA) : Office 15 et le bureau ... : http://www.blogmicrosoft.fr/2012/02/11/microsoft-windows-8-arm-woa-office-15-bureau/
- 37 / Office 15 Apps Will Have Touch Mode : http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Office-15-Word-PowerPoint-Windows-On-ARM-Touch-based,14806.html
- 38 / Office 15 « FraWin ? Windows 8 et Windows Phone : http://frawin.com/windows/tag/office-15
- 39 / Office 2012: What we're expecting to see | News | TechRadar : http://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/office-2012-what-were-expecting-to-see-990161
- 41 / Office 15: New Features and Screenshots | CIO Blogs : http://blogs.cio.com/office-applications/16909/office-15-new-features-and-screenshots
- 42 / Un aperçu d'Office 15 | Tasaka : http://www.tasaka.fr/2012/02/un-apercu-doffice-15/
- 43 / Six Features You'll Love in Office 15 | PCWorld Business Center : http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/252489/six_features_youll_love_in_office_15.html
- 44 / lego-office15 | Fubiz? : http://www.fubiz.net/2012/02/08/lego-office/lego-office15/
- 45 / Eastpak Out Of Office - 15" Laptop Backpack: Amazon.fr ... : http://www.amazon.fr/Eastpak-Out-Of-Office-Backpack/dp/B003MWNC0I
- 46 /
- 47 / Office 15 démarre son programme d'évaluation technique : http://www.cfo-news.com/Office-15-demarre-son-programme-d-evaluation-technique_a21324.html
- 48 /
- 49 / Exclusive: Microsoft Office 15 features, improvements : http://www.osnews.com/story/25692/Exclusive_Microsoft_Office_15_features_improvements
- 50 / Office 15 Embraces Metro & Looks Beautiful : http://thenextweb.com/microsoft/2012/03/06/office-15-embraces-metro-looks-beautiful-packs-brand-new-features/
- 51 / Report: Microsoft's Office 15 Gaining Touch Modes | News & Opinion ... : http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2401216,00.asp
- 52 / DailyTech - Microsoft Office 15 Touch Mode Revealed : http://www.dailytech.com/Microsoft%2BOffice%2B15%2BTouch%2BMode%2BRevealed/article24086.htm
- 53 / Le voile se lève sur Office 15 : http://www.infodsi.com/articles/130412/voile-leve-office-15.html
- 54 / Office 15 supportera les extensions web : http://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/office-15-supportera-les-extensions-web-39769692.htm
- 55 / Office 15 : les extensions web supportées, baptisées Agaves ... : http://www.laptopspirit.fr/107538/office-15-microsoft-extensions-web-supportees-agaves.html
- 56 / Office 15 adopte Metro et des nouveautés | Plusgeek : http://www.plusgeek.com/news/Office%2B15%25C2%25A0adopte%2BMetro%2Bet%2Bdes%2Bnouveaut%25C3%25A9s
- 57 / Office 15 posts on CNET : http://news.cnet.com/8300-5_3-0.html%3Fkeyword%3DOffice%2B15
- 58 / L'intégration d'Office 15 dans Windows on ARM crée le mystère ... : http://fr.news.yahoo.com/lint%25C3%25A9gration-doffice-15-windows-arm-cr%25C3%25A9e-myst%25C3%25A8re-171000567.html
- 59 / Office 15 leaks indicate Metro-influenced UI and touch mode : http://www.gizmag.com/office-15-leaks/21657/
- 61 / Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Office 15 | Stephen Chapman ... : http://msftkitchen.com/
- 62 / Imagine touch-enabled Office 15 on iPads, but will we even be able ... : http://www.brianmadden.com/blogs/gabeknuth/archive/2012/03/16/imagine-touch-enabled-office-15-on-ipads-but-will-we-even-be-able-to-remote-metro-apps.aspx
- 63 / Microsoft Office 15 Features Leaked | Windows 8 Beta : http://windows8beta.com/2012/03/microsoft-office-15-features-leaked
- 64 / Lego Office lego-office-15 ? TrendsNow : http://www.trendsnow.net/2012/02/lego-office.html/lego-office-15
- 65 / Office 15 supportera les extensions web « L'info "Autrement" cftc hus : http://huscftc.wordpress.com/2012/03/16/office-15-supportera-les-extensions-web/
- 66 / drama ni hamatsute » Box Office (15) : http://daisukedrama.unblog.fr/category/film-285/box-office-12/
- 67 / Club des Décideurs SharePoint 2010: Office 15 succombe au ... : http://clubdesp.blogspot.com/2012/03/office-15-succombe-au-charme-de.html
- 68 / A sneak peek at Office 15, (and some questions about Windows Live ... : http://www.liveside.net/2012/03/15/a-sneak-peek-at-office-15-and-some-questions-about-windows-live-writer/
- 69 / Microsoft: Morgan Stanley Bullish On Office 15; Target $37 - Forbes : http://www.forbes.com/sites/ericsavitz/2012/03/22/microsoft-morgan-stanley-bullish-on-office-15-target-37/
- 71 / Office 15 en version bêta cet été | iTPro.fr : http://www.itpro.fr/n/office-15-version-beta-ete-5891/
- 72 / [Rumeur] Microsoft Office 15 Beta Arrive en Début d'Année ... : http://www.windows8sos.com/rumeur-microsoft-office-15-beta-arrive-en-debut-d%25E2%2580%2599annee/
- 73 / First Glimpses of Office 15 Are Minus the Ribbon : http://www.readwriteweb.com/enterprise/2012/02/first-glimpses-of-office-15-ar.php
- 74 / Office 15 démarre son programme d'évaluation technique ... : http://fr.office-2012.com/office-15-demarre-son-programme-d%25E2%2580%2599evaluation-technique/
- 75 / Office 15 : quelques infos au sujet de la prochaine suite bureautique ... : http://www.fredzone.org/office-15-quelques-infos-au-sujet-de-la-prochaine-suite-bureautique-de-microsoft-903
- 76 / Le voile se lève sur Office 15 : http://www.itrmanager.com/articles/130412/voile-leve-office-15.html
- 77 / La bêta d'Office 15 sera disponible cet été : http://www.webactus.net/actu/12115-bete-office-15-ete/
- 78 / Office 2010 - Blog Officiel Office, Euro 2012, Office Mac, et aussi ... : http://blogs.technet.com/b/backstage_2010/
- 79 / Développement d'application sous Office 15 | calipia : le blog : http://blog.calipia.com/2012/03/21/developpement-dapplication-sous-office-15/
- 80 / Office 15 for Windows 8 Comes With SkyDrive, Full-Screen Mode ... : http://www.itproportal.com/2012/03/18/office-15-windows-8-comes-skydrive-full-screen-mode-touch/
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