Test effectué le 22/01/2012 à 15:43:03
Mots clés
polish for foreigners
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Url |
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Résultat |
google.fr (Web) | www.novatex.pl | polish for foreigners | >100 |
">100" signifie que le site testé n'a pas été trouvé dans les 100 premiers résultats (c'est à dire les 10 premières pages).
Titre : Domena novatex.pl jest utrzymywana na serwerach nazwa.pl
Résultats pour "polish for foreigners" / google.fr (Web)
- 1 / Polish for foreigners : http://www.polishforforeigners.com/
- 2 / Polish for Foreigners - Learn polish with ease! : http://www.polishforforeigners.org/
- 3 / Polish language courses for foreigners - Prolog Cracow Poland : http://www.polishcourses.com/
- 4 / polski dla obcokrajowców - learn polish - Uniwersytet Jagielloński : http://www2.uj.edu.pl/SL
- 5 / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland : http://www.mfa.gov.pl/
- 6 / Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners POLONICUM : http://www.polonicum.uw.edu.pl/indexpl.php?lang=en
- 7 / Polish Language Courses - Polish Language School in Warsaw : http://www.iko.com.pl/
- 8 / The School of Polish for Foreigners at the University of Łódź : http://www.sjpdc.uni.lodz.pl/tresc.php?akcja=pokaz&show=us
- 9 / Polish for foreigners Warsaw - Polish courses Warsaw - Polish4you ... : http://www.polish4you.waw.pl/
- 10 / Group polish courses | Polish courses in Warsaw, polish for ... : http://www.learnpolishinwarsaw.pl/m89.en.t2,polish-courses,group-polish-classes
- 11 / Polish for foreigners, Polish courses in Wrocław, Polish Summer ... : http://www.polish-world.pl/en
- 12 / Foreigners - how to obtain Polish citizenship : http://polish-citizenship.eu/foreigners.html
- 13 / Wroclaw Language Schools | Learn Polish in Wroclaw : http://www.wroclaw-life.com/wroclaw/language-schools
- 14 / Polish Language Course - The Sopot School of Polish for ... : http://www.ssp.edu.pl/
- 15 / Polski, krok po kroku - Polish for foreigners coursebook : http://www.polskikrokpokroku.pl/polish_for_foreigners_coursebook_student.html
- 16 / The Head of the Office for Foreigners - Urząd ds. : http://www.udsc.gov.pl/MAIN,PAGE,264.html
- 17 / Polish Language and Culture Centre for Polish People : http://www.cjkp.umcs.lublin.pl/eng/
- 18 / Krakow Language Schools | Learn Polish in Cracow Poland : http://www.cracow-life.com/poland/krakow-language-schools
- 19 / School of Polish for Foreigners at the University of Lodz : http://www.polishforums.com/work-study-43/school-polish-foreigners-university-lodz-47854/
- 21 / Edu & More - PolishOnlineNow.com : http://polishonlinenow.com/
- 22 / BOKANO SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE : http://www.bokano.com.pl/polish_for_foreigners.html
- 23 / Polish for foreigners : http://alma.edu.pl/en/polish-for-foreigners
- 24 / Studying in the Polish language - MNiSW : http://www.nauka.gov.pl/higher-education/higher-education-in-poland/studying-in-the-polish-language/
- 25 / Learn Polish online : http://www.skwierzyna.net/learn_polish.htm
- 26 / Warsaw | Language | Language Schools | Warsaw Poland : http://www.warsaw-life.com/poland/language-schools
- 27 / POLISH FOR FOREIGNERS! | ESN PW : http://pw.esn.pl/article/polish-foreigners
- 28 / the school of polish for foreigners : definition of the school of polish ... : http://dictionnaire.sensagent.com/the+school+of+polish+for+foreigners/en-en/
- 29 / polish for foreigners | Lang LTC : http://www.lang.com.pl/en/offer/polish-for-foreigners
- 30 / Polish Language and Culture Training Center / Foreign Languages ... : http://www.lazarski.pl/en/foreign-languages-department-/polish-language-and-culture-training--center/
- 31 / plakat A4 en wersja 2.indd : http://www.polishconsulatechicago.org/Informacje/polonus_info.pdf
- 32 / PAIiIZ | home | Inwestycje w Polsce : http://www.paiz.gov.pl/
- 33 / Polish for foreigners in Szczecin, Polnisch lernen in Stettin : http://polishcoursepoland.com/
- 34 / Polish Language Courses : http://www.dublin.polemb.net/index.php?document=156
- 35 / POLISH FOR FOREIGNERS (levels A2-B1) | Instytut Wschodnich ... : http://www.iwi.org.pl/eng/node/224
- 36 / Regulations of admission for PhD studies in Polish for foreigners to ... : http://eng.pw.edu.pl/Studies/Doctoral-studies/Regulations-of-admission-for-PhD-studies/Regulations-of-admission-for-PhD-studies-in-Polish-for-foreigners-to-whom-the-regulations-for-Polish-citizens-are-not-applicable
- 37 / Poland travel advice - Foreign and Commonwealth Office : http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/travel-advice-by-country/europe/poland
- 38 / Link - school of polish for foreigners in Wrocław : http://www.link.szkola.pl/
- 39 / Polish for Foreigners - University of Economics in Katowice : http://english.ue.katowice.pl/d/polish_for_foreigners
- 40 / Perfect Polish - Polish for foreigners in Warsaw : http://perfectpolish.pl/Start-en
- 41 / School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners | University of ... : http://international.uni.wroc.pl/en/study-polish/preparatory-programs/school-polish-language-and-culture-foreigners
- 42 / Study in Poland - Polish language : http://www.studyinpoland.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=10&Itemid=74
- 43 / Jakub Antczak Polish for foreigners | Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jakub-Antczak-Polish-for-foreigners/167293383284728
- 44 / Stereotypes & Prejudices about Poles and Poland : http://www.staypoland.com/poland-stereotypes.htm
- 45 / The School of Polish for Foreigners at the University of Łódź : http://sjpdc.uni.lodz.pl/
- 46 / Language schools in Poland ? Language Courses | GoAbroad.com : http://www.goabroad.com/language-study-abroad/search/poland/language-programs-abroad-1
- 47 / Do Poles Like It when Foreigners Learn Polish? | Polish Language ... : http://www.transparent.com/polish/do-poles-like-it-when-foreigners-learn-polish/
- 48 / Polish citizenship : http://polish-citizenship.eu/
- 49 / Polish for foreigners | AB Polonia - Polish for foreigners : http://www.abpolonia.pl/en/oferta/kursy-jezykowe/
- 51 / Polish for Foreigners - CALC Careers Abroad Language Center : http://en.calcinternational.com/poli.html
- 52 / Cogo | News - Polish for foreigners : http://www.cogo-news.eu/news_Polish-for-foreigners_869.html
- 53 / Summer course - Center of Polish Language, Polish for foreigners ... : http://www.varia-course.com/Inne/Summer_course/
- 54 / Contact - Polish for foreigners : http://www.polishforforeigners.com/kontakt.html
- 55 / School of Polish Language and Culture | english.us.edu.pl : http://english.us.edu.pl/school-polish-language-and-culture
- 56 / polishtutor.com: Polish for foreigners! : http://polishtutor.com/
- 57 / Learning Polish for foreigners | polishforforeigners.rzeszow.pl : http://polishforforeigners.rzeszow.pl/english
- 58 / Polish for Foreigners : http://www.europe-cities.com/en/1034/poland/1810_related_poland_langugage_polishforforeigners/
- 59 / Work permit for foreigner's work in Poland : http://www.malopolska.uw.gov.pl/default.aspx?page=Work_permit_for_foreigner_work_in_Poland
- 60 / Foreigners abandon Polish property market - FT.com : http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/364edd54-1769-11e0-badd-00144feabdc0.html
- 61 / Polish for Foreign Students - Studium Języków Obcych : http://www.sjo.agh.edu.pl/pl/kursy01.php
- 62 / our teachers - GLOSSA - Polish courses, learning polish : http://www.glossa.pl/polish/english/our_teachers.php
- 63 / SCHOOL OF POLISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE FOR ... : http://www.us.szc.pl/soplac
- 64 / Poland travel guide - Wikitravel : http://wikitravel.org/en/Poland
- 65 / Polish language for foreigners : http://www.fil.umk.pl/skijpdo/wersja_a/
- 66 / polish for foreigners - Kursy, szkoła językowa Warszawa - Academia ... : http://www.academiapolonica.com/?akcja=pdo&strona=pdo_strona&wersja=p&jezyk=ang
- 67 / Courses for foreigners : http://www.sorbona.edu.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=40&Itemid=90&lang=pl
- 68 / Foreigners in Poland - Yourpoland.pl - Polish citizenship, Polish ... : http://en.yourpoland.pl/74_foreigners-in-poland.html
- 69 / Strona główna - Academy of Polish Language - polish for foreigners : http://www.ajp.gdansk.pl/?sLang=en
- 70 / Polish Language for Foreigners - Home : http://pomeranianbusinesscollege.com/index.php/courses/polish-language-for-foreigners
- 71 / Radosław Kaleta : http://radoslawkaleta.republika.pl/page76289483492565e721a71.html
- 72 / Polish Language Course - Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna ... : http://www.ath.bielsko.pl/english/index_univ.php?poz=31
- 73 / Polish for Foreigners Course in Krakow : http://www.polishforums.com/general-language-17/polish-foreigners-course-krakow-46217/
- 74 / Polish for Foreigners - ACT : http://www.act.edu.pl/szkolenia-otwarte-i-konsultacje--szczegoly.483/items/polish-for-foreigners
- 75 / Polish For Foreigners - Edgard - Language Learning Software : http://www.edgard.eu/katalog-polish.php
- 76 / Polish for foreigners | Flickr - Photo Sharing! : http://www.flickr.com/photos/santiagopoland/2931602653/
- 77 / Women from Poland to Marry Foreigners: True ... - Polish Marriage : http://www.polishmarriage.org/Stories/marry-foreigners.html
- 78 / Calleo. School of Polish. Kursy języka polskiego dla obcokrajowców : http://www.calleo.pl/?pg=&lang=EN
- 79 / Information about Polish Mortgages and Mortgages in Poland for ... : http://www.property-krakow.com/services/mortgages
- 80 / SUBJECTIVE DISCRIMINATION. DO FOREIGNERS FEEL ... : http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/conferences/documents/33rd_ceies_seminar_documents/3.6%20STEFANSKA%20EN.PDF
- 81 /
- 82 / Polish for foreigners - School of Polish Language : http://szkolajezykapolskiego.pl/en/foreigners.php
- 83 / UR: Interfaculty Units >> "POLONUS" Centre of Polish Culture and ... : http://www.univ.rzeszow.pl/eng/polonus.php
- 84 / Polonais pour les étrangers - Polish for foreigners - Lingua Polonica : http://www.linguapolonica.pl/?lang=fr
- 85 / POLISH FOR FOREIGNERS! | ESN PW : http://www.pw.esn.pl/article/polish-foreigners-0
- 86 / Legal and Economic Aspects of Employing Foreigners in Polish ... : http://www.bpcc.org.pl/en/event/legal-and-economic-aspects-of-employing-foreigners-in-polish-companies-and-polish-nationals-in-foreign-enterprises%5B8000109%5D.html
- 87 / Polish for You - Polish School for Foreigners in Warsaw : http://www.polishforyou.pl/
- 88 / Polish for foreigners in Cracow - Polish language courses, individual ... : http://www.polishforforeigners.pl/
- 89 / We offer / Po Polsku - Polski dla obcokrajowców Warszawa | Polish ... : http://po-polsku.eu/eng/We-offer
- 91 / Polish for Foreigners : http://www.bell.pl/index.php/pl/kursy/polish-for-foreigners
- 92 / Napoleon's Foreign Infantry : Italian : Polish : Irish : German : Swiss : http://napoleonistyka.atspace.com/infantry_Napoleon_3.htm
- 93 / Foreign students in Poland: Their preparation and problems : http://www.springerlink.com/index/m638457832101546.pdf
- 94 / Free foreign language learning software: Japanese, Korean, Latin ... : http://www.vistawide.com/languages/language_software5.htm
- 95 /
- 96 / The Intensive Course of Polish as a Foreign Language : http://www.ug.edu.pl/en/?id_cat=56&id_art=149&lang=en
- 97 / Polish Institute | Polish language courses : http://polinst.hu/en/node/3750
- 98 / Cours de polonais Varsovie ję Polish for foreigners Warsaw Warszawa : http://www.lexis.edu.pl/coursdepolonaisvarsovie.htm
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