Test effectué le 21/02/2011 à 14:38:03
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8-Bit Art
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google.fr (Web) | www.abitl8te.net | 8-Bit Art | >100 |
">100" signifie que le site testé n'a pas été trouvé dans les 100 premiers résultats (c'est à dire les 10 premières pages).
Titre : ABitl8te.net
Résultats pour "8-Bit Art" / google.fr (Web)
- 1 / 8-bit art : http://www.fluctuat.net/blog/11889-8-bit-art
- 2 / 8-bit-Painter on deviantART : http://8-bit-painter.deviantart.com/
- 3 / 8-bit Artist (on hiatus yet again) on Myspace : http://www.myspace.com/8bitartist
- 4 / 8bitart.com : http://www.8bitart.com/
- 5 / Art 8 bits : Super Pepsi Mario. | Semageek : http://www.semageek.com/art-8-bits-super-pepsi-mario/
- 6 / iam8-bit : http://www.iam8bit.com/
- 7 / 8bits « 8 Bits, Pixel Art, Animations, Short Movies & Geek Culture. : http://8bits.dotk.fr/
- 8 / Olybop.info » Olybop.info 8-bit Art de Jude Buffum : http://blog.gaborit-d.com/8-bit-art-de-jude-buffum/
- 9 / 8-Bit Art: 'Video Games vs Real Life' Series by Aled Lewis : http://twistedsifter.com/2011/02/video-games-vs-real-life-art-aled-lewis/
- 10 / 8-bit Art :: Forum DOFUS : http://forum.dofus.com/fr/1088-fan-arts/396441-8-bit-art
- 11 / Update: 8 bit art that will blow your mind- Destructoid : http://www.destructoid.com/update-8-bit-art-that-will-blow-your-mind-28515.phtml
- 12 / 8-bit Lebowski art : http://www.blameitonthevoices.com/2009/08/8-bit-lebowski.html
- 13 / 8bitpeoples : http://www.8bitpeoples.com/
- 14 / Geek Art Loves Kalapusa's 8-Bits Lab : http://www.geek-art.net/geek-art-loves-kalapusas-8-bits-lab/
- 15 / 8 bit art <Lego:On> [TOPIC UNIQUE] - Tuning - Overclocking ... : http://forum.hardware.fr/hfr/OverclockingCoolingTuning/Tuning/topic-unique-lego-sujet_273641_1.htm
- 16 / 8-bit illustrations by Jude Buffum » This Blog Rules | Why go ... : http://www.thisblogrules.com/2010/06/8-bit-illustrations-by-jude-buffum.html
- 17 / Fort90 Journal » i am 8-bit: Opening Night : http://www.fort90.com/journal/?p=205
- 18 / L'art 8-bit en Rubik's Cube @ Prise2Tete : http://www.prise2tete.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?id=7347
- 19 / CP s 8-bit Art | The Creators Project : http://www.thecreatorsproject.com/blog/cp-3s-8-bit-art
- 20 / Amazon.com: i am 8-bit: Art Inspired by Classic Videogames of the ... : http://www.amazon.com/8-bit-Art-Inspired-Classic-Videogames/dp/0811853195
- 21 / Dailymotion - 8-bit trip - une vidéo Art et Création : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xa9t00_8-bit-trip_creation
- 22 / 8-Bit Art: 'Video Games vs Real Life' Series by Aled Lewis : http://twistedsifter.com/2011/02/video-games-vs-real-life-art-aled-lewis/
- 23 / i am 8-bit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_am_8-bit
- 24 / Will Lindberg | 8-bit Art Director : http://www.8bitartdirector.com/
- 25 / Pixellated Sculptures by Shawn Smith : http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/news-pixellated-sculptures-shawn-smith
- 26 / Create Cool 8-Bit Style Pixel Art from Ordinary Images - How-To Geek : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/29692/create-cool-8-bit-style-pixel-art-from-ordinary-images/
- 27 / Post-It Notes Art - Nintendo and Atari : http://blog.shoplet.com/office-supplies/post-its-note-art-8-bit-edition/
- 28 / Centre Pompidou - Musique 8 bits - Art culture musée expositions ... : http://www.centrepompidou.fr/Pompidou/Manifs.nsf/0/F785168BD1B49B01C125700D004DCB64?OpenDocument&sessionM=2.10&L=1
- 29 / Make: Online » 8-bit Post-It art : http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2008/07/8bit-postit-art.html
- 30 / Very Important Pixels ? 8 bit art « Design « FailPix : http://failpix.info/very-important-pixels-8-bit-art/
- 31 / Lego Letterpress Prints Awesome 8-Bit Art | GeekDad | Wired.com : http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2011/02/lego-letterpress-prints-awesome-8-bit-art/
- 32 /
- 33 / I-Mockery.com | The "I Am 8-Bit" 2007 Show Opening Reception Photo ... : http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/iam8bit-07/
- 34 / Eboy et l'art 8-bit | TonPetitLait.com : http://www.tonpetitlait.com/eboy-et-lart-8-bit.html
- 35 / Digg - Incredible 8-Bit Art [images] : http://digg.com/news/lifestyle/Incredible_8_Bit_Art_images
- 36 / Koopa, It's What's For Supper « Jude Buffum : http://judebuffum.wordpress.com/2010/11/05/koopa-its-whats-for-supper/
- 37 / 8BITSWOOD : Du Pixel Art 8 bits avec différentes essences de bois ... : http://www.semageek.com/8bitswood-du-pixel-art-8-bits-avec-differentes-essences-de-bois/
- 38 / 8-Bit graphic cult classic art theCHIVE : http://thechive.com/2010/06/17/8-bit-graphic-cult-classic-art-14-photos/
- 39 / 8 bit art | Flickr - Photo Sharing! : http://www.flickr.com/photos/tlucal/4955069620/
- 40 / Doctor Octoroc : http://www.doctoroctoroc.com/
- 41 / Unique Scoop: 8-Bit Art By Jude Buffum : http://www.uniquescoop.com/2010/04/8-bit-art-by-jude-buffum.html
- 42 / 8 BIT WOOD | serving all your wooden pixel needs : http://www.8bitwood.com/
- 43 / Tron Legacy 8 bit - Vidéo - YouTube : http://www.wikio.fr/video/tron-legacy-bit-4878178
- 44 / How to create 8-bit style pixel art using Adobe Illustrator ... : http://www.wonderhowto.com/how-to-create-8-bit-style-pixel-art-using-adobe-illustrator-338124/
- 45 / YouTube - Video game 8bit art in minecraft : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-EqYudnXME
- 46 /
- 47 / 8-Bit Artistry : http://www.nesplayer.com/features/8bitartist/index.htm
- 48 / 8-Bit Art: Raccoon Mario made with Ikea beads | Gamertell : http://www.gamertell.com/gaming/comment/8-bit-art-raccoon-mario-made-with-ikea-beads/
- 49 / Artists - 8bitpeoples : http://www.8bitpeoples.com/artist
- 50 / Easy halloween project: 8-bit gourds! - Evil Mad Scientist ... : http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/pacmangourd
- 51 / An easy way to do 8-bit art? - 8bit nintendo art | Ask MetaFilter : http://ask.metafilter.com/5356/An-easy-way-to-do-8bit-art
- 52 / 8-Bit Artistry : http://www.nesplayer.com/features/8bitartist/index.htm
- 53 / Sweet 8-Bit Art! : http://www.gamingbits.com/general-gaming-news-bits/sweet-8-bit-art/
- 54 / I Am 8-bit: Art Inspired by Classic Videogames of the 80's ... : http://histoirejeuxvideo.zliostore.com/p/I-Am-8-bit-Art-Inspired-by-Classic-Videogames-of-the-80-s/2151739
- 55 / 8-Bit Art: Raccoon Mario made with Ikea beads | Gamertell : http://www.gamertell.com/gaming/comment/8-bit-art-raccoon-mario-made-with-ikea-beads/
- 56 / Artists - 8bitpeoples : http://www.8bitpeoples.com/artist
- 57 / Easy halloween project: 8-bit gourds! - Evil Mad Scientist ... : http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/pacmangourd
- 58 / 8 Bit style Super Street Fighter 4 art by SpeedBrkr : News ... : http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2010/mar/13/8-bit-style-super-street-fighter-4-art-speedbrkr/
- 59 / 8Bit Video Game Art Gallery | Bit Rebels : http://www.bitrebels.com/geek/8bit-video-game-art-gallery/
- 60 / 8 Bit Art : http://8bitart.net/
- 61 / 8bit art - Un photoblog inutile de plus... : http://mudry.org/photoblog/post/2005/07/27/248-8bit-art
- 62 / I Am 8-Bit Contest Winners - Games Feature at IGN : http://games.ign.com/articles/700/700977p1.html
- 63 / 8-bit heroes: Ars explores the resurgence of pixel art : http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/05/8-bit-heroes-ars-explores-the-resurgence-of-pixel-art.ars
- 64 / Un cosplay 8-bit en pixels ! | Ufunk.net : http://www.ufunk.net/insolite/un-cosplay-8-bit-en-pixels/
- 65 / I Am 8 Bit Art Opening | productdose.com : http://www.productdose.com/article.php?article_id=1246
- 66 / 40 photos du I am 8 bit 2008 : http://www.gamesandgeeks.com/blog/retrogaming/40-photos-du-i-am-8-bit-2008/
- 67 / Retro Thing: I Am 8-Bit: Art Inspired By Classic Videogames : http://www.retrothing.com/2006/04/i_am_8bit_art_i.html
- 68 / 8-Bit Theater - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8-Bit_Theater
- 69 / What programs are best for making 8-bit art?!? - Yahoo! Answers : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100821224517AA5b6IA
- 70 / Monki has the winners of the 8-bit Art Contest!! [Ain't It Cool News] : http://www.aintitcool.com/node/32034
- 71 / Geek Art Loves 8 Bits Painter : http://www.geek-art.net/geek-art-loves-8-bits-painter/
- 72 / 8-bit heroes: Ars explores the resurgence of pixel art : http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/05/8-bit-heroes-ars-explores-the-resurgence-of-pixel-art.ars
- 73 / Really funny stuff - 8-Bit Wood Art (46 pics) : http://izismile.com/2010/09/28/8bit_wood_art_46_pics.html
- 74 / Juxtapoz Magazine - Video?Anthony Michael Sneed and 8-Bit Art ... : http://www.juxtapoz.com/Current/videoanthony-michael-sneed-and-8-bit-art
- 75 / I Am 8 Bit Art Opening | productdose.com : http://www.productdose.com/article.php?article_id=1246
- 76 / i am 8-bit: Art Inspired by Classic Videogames of the '80s $22.95 ... : http://www.chroniclebooks.com/index/main,book-info/store,books/products_id,5540/title,i-am-8-bit/
- 77 / Retro Thing: I Am 8-Bit: Art Inspired By Classic Videogames : http://www.retrothing.com/2006/04/i_am_8bit_art_i.html
- 78 / Monki has the winners of the 8-bit Art Contest!! [Ain't It Cool News] : http://www.aintitcool.com/node/32034
- 79 / "I Am 8-Bit" art exhibit opens tomorrow night in Los Angeles | Joystiq : http://www.joystiq.com/2007/04/16/i-am-8-bit-art-exhibit-opens-tomorrow-night-in-los-angeles/
- 80 / 8bit today: THE LOW TECH ART OF OTRO : http://www.8bittoday.com/articles/33/the-low-tech-art-of-otro
- 81 / NYC play 'The Dudleys' features chiptune music and 8-bit art | Joystiq : http://www.joystiq.com/2010/07/27/nyc-play-employs-chiptune-and-8-bit-art/
- 82 / Art 8bit, 8bit impressions, 8bit Posters, affiches 8bit : http://www.zazzle.fr/8bit+cadeaux?dp=252819538404952287
- 83 / Wonderland: Retroactive 8bit halflife art : http://www.wonderlandblog.com/wonderland/2009/05/retroactive-8bit-halflife-art.html
- 84 / The 8-Bit Tarot : http://www.lunarbistro.com/art/8-bit_tarot/
- 85 / Stop-motion Lego tribute to 8-bit video games - Boing Boing : http://boingboing.net/2009/08/23/stop-motion-lego-tri.html
- 86 / Twitter / Docteur 8Bit : Un pixel art Mario Bross + ... : http://twitter.com/dr8bit/status/32368805808177152
- 87 / 8-BIT on Vimeo : http://vimeo.com/16237481
- 88 / ArtNumeur » Blog Archive » PlayList à Laboral: 8-bit / chiptune : http://www.erg.be/blogs/artNumeur/?p=162
- 89 / 8-Bit Wonderland | theVARSITY.ca : http://thevarsity.ca/articles/41307
- 90 / Résultats au grand concours "8-bit Kermesse d'Or" - Le blog de LAB ... : http://lab-labanque.over-blog.com/article-resultats-au-grand-concours-8-bit-kermesse-d-or-49136412-comments.html
- 91 / 8-bit Art | Curatedmag.com : http://www.curatedmag.com/news/tag/8-bit-art/
- 92 / 8-Bit Artistry - Pixel Art Takes a New Shape with LEGO Printing ... : http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/pixel-art
- 93 / 8 Bit Art - Video(s) - Minecraft Forums : http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1018&t=155867
- 94 / 8-Bit Art | The Behavioral World, in a Context | Life in B Major : http://www.lifeinbmajor.com/2009/09/24/8-bit-art/
- 95 / Exclusive Video: I Am 8-Bit Art Show - G4tv.com : http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/675186/exclusive_video_i_am_8bit_art_show.html
- 96 / GDC 2007: I am 8-bit art show preview : http://www.qj.net/qjnet/nintendo-ds/gdc-2007-i-am-8-bit-art-show-preview.html
- 97 / What programs are best for making 8-bit art?!? - Yahoo! Answers : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100821224517AA5b6IA
- 98 / Des pixels art en bois dans votre salon : http://www.jonathan-menet.fr/blog/2010/10/04/vos-personnages-de-jeux-video-en-8-bit-et-en-bois/
- 99 / The Matter of Electronics | Vague Terrain : http://vagueterrain.net/content/2010/02/matter-electronics
- 100 / 8-Bit Pixel Art with Music Producing Software Ableton | ForeverGeek : http://www.forevergeek.com/2010/05/8-bit_pixelart_with_music_producing_software_ableton/
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