Test effectué le 02/01/2011 à 21:40:03
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Moteur de recherche |
Url |
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Résultat |
google.fr (Web) | http://mescoquillagesamoa.free.fr/ | cypraea,conidae,oliva | >100 |
">100" signifie que le site testé n'a pas été trouvé dans les 100 premiers résultats (c'est à dire les 10 premières pages).
Résultats pour "cypraea,conidae,oliva" / google.fr (Web)
- 1 / Un site sur les cônes: conidae.info : http://www.forumcoquillages.com/vos-sites-et-les-liens-internet-f9/un-site-sur-les-cones-conidaeinfo-t1205.htm
- 2 / COQUILLAGES DIVERS - Liste de prix - www.conidae.fr : http://www.cone-shells.com/catalogue2/index.html
- 3 / ALABASTER SHELLS - ALABASTER-SHELL.COM : Coquillages de Collection : http://www.alabaster-shell.com/
- 4 / Bookmarks : http://zonatus.pagesperso-orange.fr/Liens.htm
- 5 / Zonatus - Galerie : http://zonatus.pagesperso-orange.fr/Liste/Galerie_vendus/Galerie_vendus.htm
- 6 / Collectionneurs France : http://thierry.dandrimont.free.fr/LISTE%20DES%20COLLECTIONNEURS%20INTERNAUTES/Collectionneurs%20France.html
- 7 / Micro shells [ DATABASE : SCIENTIFIC NAME:A ] : http://shell.kwansei.ac.jp/~shell/pic_book/e_a.html
- 8 / Les conidae récoltés par dragage : http://horizon.documentation.ird.fr/exl-doc/pleins_textes/pleins_textes_5/b_fdi_20-21/26474.pdf
- 9 / Différencier Conus leopardus de litteratus : http://coquillagesactuels.forumactif.com/les-cones-conidae-f1/differencier-conus-leopardus-de-litteratus-t179.htm
- 10 / philippines coquillages cebu - page 4 - Les prix pour collections : http://www.bueni.fr/collections/philippines-coquillages-cebu/4
- 11 / ALABASTER SHELLS - OLIVIDAE : http://www.alabaster-shell.com/category.php?id_category=40
- 12 /
- 13 / Retour page précédente. - Scaphander : http://scaphander.voila.net/main2a_antilles.html
- 14 / Le blog de Mr coquillages - Liste des derniers articles parus sur ... : http://coquillagesetescargots.over-blog.com/articles-blog.html
- 15 / Prosobranchs Conidae : http://www.surg.org.au/show_family.php?group_id=6&format_id=0
- 16 / Shelline Group - Shells photo gallery from our latest sales. Sold ... : http://www.shellinegroup.com/shells/latest-sales-photos.asp
- 17 / Gasteropodes : http://users.compaqnet.be/cn007675/Gasteropodes.htm
- 18 / Gastéropodes marins - Tritoniss : http://tritonis.jimdo.com/
- 19 / Escargot de sable : Oliva sayana : Généralités de maintenance marine : http://www.aquaportail.com/topic-3767-19-escargot-de-sable-oliva-sayana.html
- 20 / shellauction.net :: De Donder - Conidae : http://www.shellauction.net/auction_search.php?in_id=421714&dealer=De%20Donder&famiglia=Conidae&set_page=1&in_search=*
- 21 / List 49 - WORLDWIDE SPECIMEN SHELLS : http://www.worldwideconchology.com/worldwide/list/List_49_2010.shtml
- 22 / Ecology - Welcome to ZipcodeZoo : http://zipcodezoo.com/Plants/U/Ulva_beytensis/ecology.asp
- 23 / ********************************************************* * Elenco ... : http://cebrizio.xoom.it/cebrizio/conccesa.pdf
- 24 / Shells For Trade or Sale : http://web.mac.com/tonyg1/Tomar_Sea_Shells/Shells_For_Trade_or_Sale.html
- 25 / Histoires d'eau: 10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007 : http://zonatus.blogspot.com/2007_10_01_archive.html
- 26 / view taxonomic names - The Paleobiology Database : http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=displayTaxonomicNamesAndOpinions&reference_no=26063&display=authorities
- 27 / New 100 Shells - Shell Dimension.com : http://www.shelldimension.com/catalogo.php?operazione=last_100
- 28 / Full text of "Bulletin biologique de la France et de la Belgique" : http://www.archive.org/stream/bulletinbiologiq44univ/bulletinbiologiq44univ_djvu.txt
- 29 / statistiques : http://membres.multimania.fr/afcxeno/Actuextb.htm
- 31 / boholshells items - Get great deals on Conidae, Cypraeidae items ... : http://stores.ebay.com/boholshells
- 32 / ShellsPassion : http://www.shellspassion.com/sp/news.php
- 33 / Femorale - Since 1989 : http://www.femorale.com.br/articles/selectlanguage.asp?ids=23
- 34 / Association Française de Conchyliologie (AFC) - Xenophora ... : http://www.xenophora.org/fr/xeno/xeno_sommaire.php
- 35 / Exchange_Shop Infomation_System Category_Shells From China : http://www.yhshells.com/article.php?id=10
- 36 / Wapedia - Wiki: Catégorie: Mollusque (nom scientifique) : http://wapedia.mobi/fr/Cat%C3%A9gorie:Mollusque_(nom_scientifique)
- 37 / Plan du site - Tritoniss : http://tritonis.jimdo.com/sitemap/
- 38 / Retour page précédente. - Scaphander : http://scaphander.voila.net/main2a_afriqueouest.html
- 39 / Species list and relative abundance of marine molluscs collected ... : http://www.rug.nl/biologie/onderzoek/onderzoekgroepen/theoreticalbiology/peoplePages/pdf/ag_eaPhelsuma03.pdf
- 40 / Station DA3/99/47 | Search | Marine Life of the Dampier ... : http://wamuseum.com.au/dampier/station_view.asp?stationID=148
- 41 / Exchange_Shop Infomation_System Category_Shells From China : http://www.yhshells.com/article.php?id=10
- 42 / Wapedia - Wiki: Catégorie: Mollusque (nom scientifique) : http://wapedia.mobi/fr/Cat%C3%A9gorie:Mollusque_(nom_scientifique)
- 43 / Plan du site - Tritoniss : http://tritonis.jimdo.com/sitemap/
- 44 / Retour page précédente. - Scaphander : http://scaphander.voila.net/main2a_afriqueouest.html
- 45 / Species list and relative abundance of marine molluscs collected ... : http://www.rug.nl/biologie/onderzoek/onderzoekgroepen/theoreticalbiology/peoplePages/pdf/ag_eaPhelsuma03.pdf
- 46 / Echange : http://boltzguy.pagesperso-orange.fr/liste.htm
- 47 / Micro shells [ DATABASE : SCIENTIFIC NAME:M ] : http://shell.kwansei.ac.jp/~shell/pic_book/e_m.html
- 48 / Species list of marine molluscs on Silhouette island : http://www.islandbiodiversity.com/Phelsuma%2012-10.pdf
- 49 / BRUNSWICK RIVER MOLLUSC LIST : http://www.roboastra.com/brunslist.html
- 50 / Prosobranchs Conidae : http://www.surg.org.au/show_family.php?group_id=6&format_id=0
- 51 / List of molluscs of the Houtman Abrolhos - Wikipedia, the free ... : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_molluscs_of_the_Houtman_Abrolhos
- 52 / Acmaeidae : http://eebweb.arizona.edu/collections/Fishes/Bentoncatalog-word_copy.htm
- 53 / Species List and Relative Abundance of Marine Molluscs Collected ... : http://hannahdugdale.staff.shef.ac.uk/Agombar-et-al-2003-Phelsuma.pdf
- 54 / Shellers : http://www.spirula.nl/shellers/shellers.asp?actie=lijst&subquery=nmvmembersonly
- 55 / VENTAS DE CONCHAS : http://geocities.ws/mactanvegaluz/ukgaleria.html
- 56 / WHERE ARE THE TAHITIAN at All About Seashells.com : http://www.all-about-seashells.com/article/index.php?id=70&q=WHERE_ARE_THE_TAHITIAN
- 57 / Shells Photo, Shells photos, Phillip Colla Natural History ... : http://www.oceanlight.com/lightbox.php?x=shells__specimens
- 58 / Tradelist : http://mysite.verizon.net/vze7m3zq/JPW/tradelist.html
- 59 / Gastropods Seashell Family Guide | Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=71006434584&topic=7119
- 60 / Indonesia, Flores Island - Asia Shells : http://asia-shells1.com/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=50
- 61 / Molluscs on the Shores of Singapore : http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/mollusca/mollusca.htm
- 62 / Holubshop.cz - seashells for collectors / Shellauction.cz ... : http://www.holubshop.cz/english/eng-index.htm
- 63 / LISTE DES ESPCES PHOTOGRAPHIES AU 15 /12/2009 : http://www.paulstarosta.com/documents/191/liste_especes_paul_starosta_photographe.pdf
- 64 / shellauction.net :: MARIZ : http://www.shellauction.net/auction_species_browse.php?dealer=MARIZ&selected_auction=87
- 65 / Indonesian seashells & landsnails : http://indonesianseashellslandsnails.blogspot.com/
- 66 / List 50 - WORLDWIDE SPECIMEN SHELLS : http://www.worldwideconchology.com/worldwide/list/List_50_2010.shtml
- 67 /
- 68 / Mollusques | Faune et Flore des Antilles mer Caraïbe : http://www.guadeloupe-fr.com/fauneFloreAntilles/*C/amoll/
- 69 / L'Arca di Noè :: Shop online of naturalistic items : http://www.larcadinoe.com/categorie/Conchiglie/3/24/ordina-per-nome_en/
- 70 / Cypraea (Cowries) from Schooner Specimen Shells : http://www.schnr-specimen-shells.com/Cypraeidae.html
- 71 / Shallow-water Marine Shells from the Mouth of Baoli River ... : http://www.nmns.edu.tw/php/Library/research/200612-5.pdf
- 72 / Who is who in a shell collection - Of Sea and Shore website, Sale ... : http://www.ofseaandshore.com/news/whoiswho/whoiswho.php
- 73 / A Cypraea valentia I Threatens Ocean Life : http://s190418054.onlinehome.us/HSN/1970/7609.pdf
- 74 / Micro shells [ DATABASE : SCIENTIFIC NAME:C ] : http://shell.kwansei.ac.jp/~shell/pic_book/e_c.html
- 75 / Liste d'échange - Scaphander : http://scaphander.voila.net/Liste_echange.html
- 76 / Ecology - Welcome to ZipcodeZoo : http://zipcodezoo.com/Animals/L/Lytechinus_crassus/ecology.asp
- 77 / WCPTOC1.CHP:Corel VENTURA : ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/009/w7191e/w7191e33.pdf
- 78 / Gastropods Sea Shells Reference : http://www.gastropods.com/Guidelines.shtm
- 79 / Shellers : http://www.spirula.nl/shellers/shellers.asp
- 80 / The Natural History Department of the oler Landesmuseum ... : http://nisters.tirolkultur.at/collmus.htm
- 81 / Nature walks : https://www.bsp.com.bn/panagaclub/pnhs_old/Projects/TRAVEL/WALKS/nat_walk.doc
- 82 / SEASHELL COLLECTORS | Sailing down to the Grenadines : http://www.seashell-collector.com/articles/general_articles/page_2002_grenadines.html
- 83 / Zoosystema 31(2).indb : http://decapoda.ecole-navale.fr/pdf/poupin-malay-2009-ciliopagurus.pdf
- 84 / The Australian Marine Molluscs Considered to be Potentially ... : http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/trade-use/wild-harvest/pubs/pondrpt1.pdf
- 85 / Shells Photo, Shells photos, Phillip Colla Natural History ... : http://www.oceanlight.com/shells_photo.html
- 86 / List of marine molluscs of Mozambique - Wikipedia, the free ... : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_marine_molluscs_of_Mozambique
- 87 / Persée : Mollusques et faune benthique du lagon de Takapoto : http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/jso_0300-953x_1979_num_35_62_2993
- 88 / eBay Guides - Gastropods Seashell Family Guide with pics : http://reviews.ebay.com/Gastropods-Seashell-Family-Guide-with-pics_W0QQugidZ10000000000016680
- 89 / ATOLL RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 410 : http://si-pddr.si.edu/dspace/bitstream/10088/5927/1/00410.pdf
- 90 / List of molluscs of the Houtman Abrolhos : http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/List_of_molluscs_of_the_Houtman_Abrolhos
- 91 / Adobe Acrobat Format 240.90KB - Appendix 1 Trees Palms Herbs Vines ... : http://www.gbrmpa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/2500/rp25_appendices.pdf
- 92 / Thomas Honker Specimen Shells : http://www.shellcabinet.com/Thomas_Honker/books.html
- 93 / 3 - Asia Shells : http://asia-shells1.com/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=33&sort=5d&page=3
- 94 / Indonesian seashells & landsnails: Seashells & landsnails list for ... : http://indonesianseashellslandsnails.blogspot.com/2010/02/updated-25-february-2010.html
- 95 / Shell List : http://cstl-cla.semo.edu/renka/N_History/shell_list.htm
- 96 / Snails (sea slugs - Opisthobranchia) - Starfish Photos ... : http://www.starfish.ch/c-invertebrates/sea-shell.html
- 97 / BIN auctions - Conidae : http://shellauction.cz/auction/running/1/last/1
- 98 / Manton Dam Recreation Reserve : http://nt.gov.au/nreta/parks/manage/plans/pdf/cas_coast_pom_03_02_appendix.pdf
- 99 / Cypraea Aurantium Dark - Super Top Sea Shells : http://topseashell.com/54-cypraea-aurantium-dark.html
- 100 / Ecology - Welcome to ZipcodeZoo : http://zipcodezoo.com/Animals/S/Sinum_lekalekanum/ecology.asp
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