Test effectué le 16/09/2010 à 12:52:34
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mysql failover
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google.fr (Web) | mysql-mmm.org/ | mysql failover | >100 |
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Titre : Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL [MMM for MySQL Wiki]
Résultats pour "mysql failover" / google.fr (Web)
- 1 / MySQL :: MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual :: 17.6.8 Implementing ... : http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysql-cluster-replication-failover.html
- 2 / Netexpertise » Auto-failover Mysql avec Heartbeat : http://www.netexpertise.eu/fr/mysql/auto-failover-heartbeat.html
- 3 / MySQL Proxy Load balancing and Failover Tutorial : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/mysql-proxy-howto.html
- 4 / Tutorial: MySQL failover cluster : http://librenix.com/?inode=7986
- 5 / MySQL auto-failover avec Heartbeat : http://www.zataz.com/tutorial/1188272692/MySQL-auto-failover-avec-Heartbeat.html
- 6 / Faster MySQL failover with SELECT mirroring | MySQL Performance Blog : http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2009/02/01/fast-mysql-master-master-failover-with-select-mirroring/
- 7 / Basics of MySQL failover (using replication) - Everything MySQL : http://everythingmysql.ning.com/profiles/blogs/basics-of-mysql-failover-using
- 8 / MySQL :: DRBD for MySQL High Availability : http://www.mysql.com/drbd
- 9 / MySQL Fail-Over with PHP - ThinkPart - Andrey's blog : http://hristov.com/oblog/blog/post/2010/08/13/mysql-fail-over-with-php
- 11 / MySQL Fail-Over with PHP - ThinkPart - Andrey's blog : http://hristov.com/oblog/blog/post/2010/08/13/mysql-fail-over-with-php
- 12 / Simple MySQL Proxy Failover | The Pythian Blog : http://www.pythian.com/news/896/simple-mysql-proxy-failover/
- 13 / MySQL :: DRBD pour MySQL Haute Disponibilité : http://www.mysql.fr/drbd
- 14 / MySQL Multi-Master Replication Failover : http://forge.mysql.com/w/images/0/05/DualMasterSetupsWithMMM.pdf
- 15 / Two Node Planned Manual Failover for the MySQL Database ... : http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mysql/article.php/3890596/Two-Node-Planned-Manual-Failover-for-the-MySQL-Database-Administrator.htm
- 16 / MySQL failover using MySQL Proxy - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/390958/mysql-failover-using-mysql-proxy
- 17 / Alex Williams » Using HAProxy for MySQL failover and redundancy : http://www.alexwilliams.ca/blog/2009/08/10/using-haproxy-for-mysql-failover-and-redundancy/
- 18 / Shinguz' Blog: Active/active fail over cluster with MySQL Replication : http://shinguz.blogspot.com/2008/09/activeactive-fail-over-cluster-with.html
- 19 / Mysql Clustering / hot fail over : http://www.bluehostforum.com/showthread.php?19357-Mysql-Clustering-hot-fail-over
- 20 / Advanced Master-Slave Replication with Tungsten Failover: MySQL ... : http://www.mysqlconf.com/mysql2009/public/schedule/detail/6722
- 21 / MySQL AB :: MySQL Failover Strategy using State Management ... : http://ftp.ku.ac.th/pub/mirror/mysql/tech-resources/articles/failover-strategy-part2.html
- 22 / Gary Thornock's Weblog » MySQL Failover with CARP : http://www.thornock.us/wordpress/archives/175
- 23 / Deployment Example - Installing MySQL in the Non-Global Failover ... : http://wikis.sun.com/display/SunCluster/Deployment+Example+-+Installing+MySQL+in+the+Non-Global+Failover+Zone
- 24 / MySQL fail-over clustering setup | JaguarPC Blog : http://www.jaguarpc.com/blog/site-management/mysql-fail-over-clustering-setup/
- 25 / Failover Database Connection with PHP + mySQL | evolt.org : http://www.evolt.org/failover-database-connection-with-php-mysql
- 26 / MySQL Database Replication and Failover Clustering.pdf - Database ... : http://www.tcs.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/White%20Papers/MySQL%20Database%20Replication%20and%20Failover%20Clustering.pdf
- 27 / Netexpertise » Mysql Failover : http://www.netexpertise.eu/en/mysql/mysql-failover.html
- 28 / MySQL :: Solutions de Haute Disponibilité pour MySQL : http://www.mysql.fr/products/enterprise/high_availability.html
- 29 / Error while connecting to MySQL. Failover enacted. - HostGator ... : http://forums.hostgator.com/error-while-connecting-mysql-failover-enacted-t72932.html
- 30 / MySQL Fail Over Support | drupal.org : http://drupal.org/node/86355
- 31 / Fail over Scenario in MySQL Replication : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/fail-over-scenario-in-mysql-replication-831661/
- 32 / MySQL Failover in Dialplan - voip-info.org : http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/MySQL+Failover+in+Dialplan
- 33 / MySQL failover on Windows with SAN available - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/86978/mysql-failover-on-windows-with-san-available
- 34 / froscon2009: MySQL Multi-Master Replication Failover - A step-by ... : http://programm.froscon.org/2009/events/357.en.html
- 35 / Linux Today - Two Node Planned Manual Failover for the MySQL ... : http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2010-07-06-021-35-NW-SV
- 36 / Error while connecting to MySQL. Failover enacted. - cPanel Forums : http://forums.cpanel.net/f5/error-while-connecting-mysql-failover-enacted-161938.html
- 37 / Is Mysql Switchover / Failover mechanisam supported prior to ... : http://bytes.com/topic/mysql/answers/877785-mysql-switchover-failover-mechanisam-supported-prior-version-4-1-a
- 38 / MySQL :: Mysql failover - connection error : http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?39,361170,361170
- 39 / Proven Scaling Blog » Introducing Flipper for managing MySQL ... : http://provenscaling.com/blog/2008/10/09/introducing-flipper-for-managing-mysql-master-pairs/
- 40 / Deployment and Failover Study of HA MySQL on a Solaris Cluster ... : http://blogs.sun.com/krishs/entry/deployment_and_failover_study_of
- 41 / Advanced MySQL Replication Techniques - O'Reilly Media : http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2006/04/20/advanced-mysql-replication.html?page=4
- 42 / Blogmarks : Public marks from user holyver with tag failover : http://blogmarks.net/user/holyver/marks/tag/failover
- 43 / MySQL Replication Connection Fail Over : http://www.codewalkers.com/c/a/Database-Code/MySQL-Replication-Connection-Fail-Over/
- 44 / Php sample code - MySQL Replication Connection Fail Over - Source ... : http://www.php.happycodings.com/Database_Related/code23.html
- 45 / Advanced MySQL Replication Techniques - O'Reilly Media : http://tim.oreilly.com/pub/a/onlamp/2006/04/20/advanced-mysql-replication.html
- 46 / MySQL Failover Via Hardware Load Balancer : http://www.shawnhogan.com/2006/06/mysql-failover-via-hardware-load-balancer.html
- 47 / Configuration failover basique mysql - Qui a écrit dans ce sujet ... : http://forum.pcinpact.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras§ion=stats&do=who&t=150142
- 48 / Error while connecting to MySQL. Failover enacted. - Web Hosting Talk : http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=617804
- 49 / TCS Resources: White Paper : MySQL Database Replication and ... : http://www.tcs.com/resources/white_papers/Pages/MySQLDatabaseReplicationandFailoverClustering.aspx
- 50 / Digg - Two Node Planned Manual Failover for the MySQL Database Admi : http://digg.com/news/technology/Two_Node_Planned_Manual_Failover_for_the_MySQL_Database_Admi
- 51 / CPanel Error: Error while connecting to MySQL. Failover enacted | : http://trulymanaged.com/blog/cpanel-error-error-while-connecting-to-mysql-failover-enacted/
- 52 / Re: Failover with MySQL : http://lists.debian.org/debian-isp/2001/08/msg00190.html
- 53 / High Availability for MySQL: Considering the Options - www ... : http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netos/article.php/3809331/High-Availability-for-MySQL-Considering-the-Options.htm
- 54 / PHPDeveloper.org: Evolt.org: Failover Database Connection with PHP ... : http://www.phpdeveloper.org/news/7883
- 55 / MPP : http://www.codepin.org/project/mpp/
- 56 / #152 (hotter MySQL failover) – scripts.mit.edu : http://scripts.mit.edu/trac/ticket/152
- 57 / Providing high availability and failover using MySQL on EC2 ... : http://serverfault.com/questions/119238/providing-high-availability-and-failover-using-mysql-on-ec2
- 58 / MySQL adds subsecond failover | Desktop Apps | ZDNet UK : http://www.zdnet.co.uk/news/desktop-apps/2004/03/15/mysql-adds-subsecond-failover-39149277/
- 59 / dot.nologin.net › MySQL replication failover for good… : http://dot.nologin.net/index.php/2007/12/05/mysql-replication-failover-for-good/
- 61 / MySQL Clustering - OpenSSI : http://wiki.openssi.org/go/MySQL_Clustering
- 62 / Bug #590623 in mysql-mmm: “MMM could not fail-over when server hang” : https://bugs.launchpad.net/mysql-mmm/+bug/590623
- 63 / Ip failover / Load Balancing pour mysql ? - Forum OVH : http://forum.ovh.net/showthread.php?p=263923
- 64 / Tools :: Code Snippet :: MySQL Proxy failover with Load Balance : http://forge.mysql.com/tools/tool.php?id=259
- 65 / Setup Mirrored Website for DNS Failover | DNS | Linux | MySQL ... : http://www.freelancer.com/projects/PHP-System-Admin/Setup-Mirrored-Website-for-DNS.html
- 66 / Error while connecting to MySQL. Failover enacted. | Solarblu.net : http://www.solarblu.net/web-hosting-101/whm-tutorials/error-connecting-mysql-failover-enacted/
- 67 / 35. LVS: High Availability, Failover protection : http://www.austintek.com/LVS/LVS-HOWTO/HOWTO/LVS-HOWTO.failover.html
- 68 / MySQL AB :: MySQL Failover Strategy using State Management ... : http://ftp.ku.ac.th/pub/mirror/mysql/tech-resources/articles/failover-strategy-part1.html
- 69 / MySQL Database Articles & Tutorials – Database Journal : http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mysql/
- 70 / Doutes concernant l'intégration d'une IP fail-over - Forum OVH : http://forum.ovh.com/showthread.php?t=52712
- 81 / MySQL Failover Strategy using State Management, introducing MPP ... : http://dba.fyicenter.com/article/MySQL_Failover_Strategy_using_State_Management.html
- 82 / Eric Bergen » Blog Archive » DRBD in the real world. : http://ebergen.net/wordpress/2007/04/02/drbd-in-the-real-world/
- 83 / Internet.com - Developer - Database - MySQL. : http://www.internet.com/Developer/Database/MySQL
- 84 / Amazon Web Services Developer Community : High availability with ... : http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/thread.jspa?threadID=45095
- 85 / Super Cheap Hosting | Failover Hosting | Plus Brain, Affordable ... : http://www.plusbrain.com/
- 86 / 1stEU.Net - Premium Linux Web Hosting with Failover Technology ... : http://www.1steu.net/
- 87 / Blogmarks : Public marks with tag failover : http://blogmarks.net/tag/failover
- 88 / MMM (Mysql Master-Master Replication) on EC2 | Life Scaling : http://orensol.com/2009/02/01/mmm-mysql-master-master-replication-on-ec2/
- 89 / RE: [Linux-cluster] MySQL Failover / Failback - Robert Gil - com ... : http://markmail.org/message/mkk5fgwhzyray6zn
- 90 /
- 91 / Re: Re : [creole] mysql failover - load balanced databases - msg ... : http://osdir.com/ml/php.cowiki.user/2006-05/msg00004.html
- 92 / Advanced MySQL Replication techniques : http://www.slideshare.net/datacharmer/advanced-mysql-replication-techniques
- 93 / Does PHP have a built in mechanism to failover from one database ... : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191528/does-php-have-a-built-in-mechanism-to-failover-from-one-database-server-to-anothe
- 94 / Debian LAMP Failover cluster: Implementation - wildness : http://wildness.espix.org/index.php?post/2008/10/28/Debian-LAMP-Failover-cluster%3A-Implementation
- 95 / How can I get load balancing/failover with SER? | iptel.org : http://iptel.org/faq/how_can_i_get_load_balancing_failover_with_ser
- 96 / MySQL Replication Tips And Tricks | Tag1 Consulting, Inc. : http://tag1consulting.com/MySQL_Replication_Tips_And_Tricks
- 97 / Premium Linux WebHosting, cPanel, PHP5, mySQL, FFmpeg, MYSQL, US ... : http://1steuro.net/
- 98 / MySQL InnoDB Failover and Red Hat Cluster Suite : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/red-hat-31/mysql-innodb-failover-and-red-hat-cluster-suite-496371/
- 99 / mail:installation_de_postfix_avec_mysql_et_sasl_smtp_auth [Serveur ... : http://www.serveur-rps.fr/mail/installation_de_postfix_avec_mysql_et_sasl_smtp_auth
- 100 / User Application cluster & MySQL connection failover : http://forums.novell.com/novell-product-support-forums/identity-manager/im-userapp-workflow/370574-user-application-cluster-mysql-connection-failover.html
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