Test effectué le 11/01/2010 à 18:25:08
Mots clés
perenco peru
Résultat de votre test
Moteur de recherche |
Url |
Mots clés |
Résultat |
bing.com (Afficher tout) | www.perenco-peru.com | perenco peru | >100 |
">100" signifie que le site testé n'a pas été trouvé dans les 100 premiers résultats (c'est à dire les 10 premières pages).
Titre : www.perenco-peru.com-官网首页Description : Welcome to Perenco, a Leading Independent Exploration and Production Company
Résultats pour "perenco peru" / bing.com (Afficher tout)
- 1 / Perenco - Wikipédia : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perenco
- 2 / Perenco - Oil and Gas | Contact : http://www.perenco.com/contact.html
- 3 / Perenco - Oil and Gas | Perenco - Oil and… : http://www.perenco.com/
- 4 / Perenco - Oil company : http://www.survivalfrance.org/about/perenco
- 5 / Une compagnie française sur le point d'envahir le territoire d ... : http://www.notre-planete.info/actualites/actu_1852_compagnie_francaise_petrole_indiens_isoles.php
- 6 / Infos de la Planète - Peru: The silent genocide of the last ... : http://www.infosdelaplanete.org/5445/peru-the-silent-genocide-of-the-last-uncontacted-indigenous-groups.html?L=EN
- 7 / us.oneworld.net : http://us.oneworld.net/article/365014-oil-drilling-allowed-peru-amazon
- 8 / Peru Agency: Peru Could Triple Oil, Gas Production By 2015 : http://www.easybourse.com/bourse/actualite/peru-agency-peru-could-triple-oil-gas-production-by-2015-748575
- 9 / Les Indiens isolés comparés au monstre du Loch Ness - Survival ... : http://www.survivalfrance.org/actu/2624
- 10 / Perenco and armed forces break indigenous… : http://www.survivalinternational.org/news/4529
- 11 / Les amis de la Terre : Les prix pinocchio du développement durable : http://www.prix-pinocchio.org/nomines.php
- 12 / Souscrivez en ligne à un FCPI et obtenez une réduction fiscale ... : http://www.fcpi-energie.com/2009/04/p%C3%A9rou-perenco-investit-en-masse-dans-le-p%C3%A9trole.html
- 13 / Thompson & Knight LLP - T&K Assists… : http://www.tklaw.com/press_releases.cfm?action=view&id=311
- 14 / PERENCO PERU LIMITED SUCURSAL DEL PERU : http://www.universidadperu.com/empresas/perenco-peru-limited-sucursal-del-peru.php
- 15 / Empresas en Perú : http://empresasenperu.blogspot.com/
- 16 / Living in Peru » News : http://www.livinginperu.com/news/
- 17 / Zero-Deforestation - Le pétrole tue au Pérou : http://www.zero-deforestation.org/actu_20090615_le_petrole_tue_au_perou.htm
- 18 / Perenco Peru Limited: Private Company… : http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=40113669
- 19 / Perenco y las fuerzas armadas rompen el… : http://www.survival.es/noticias/4535?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SurvivalEspana+%28Survival+Espa%C3%B1a%29
- 20 / Perenco delays $2bn Peru spend - Upstream… : http://www.upstreamonline.com/live/article176880.ece
- 21 / Living in Peru » News » Peru: Perenco to… : http://www.livinginperu.com/news-9447-miningenergy-peru-perenco-start-exploration-block-67
- 22 / Peru: Perenco to double development… : http://www.energy-pedia.com/article.aspx?articleid=134844
- 23 / Peru en America : http://peruenamerica.blogspot.com/
- 24 / Peru's great 'hope' has oil income frozen… : http://www.survivalinternational.org/news/4310
- 25 / Perenco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perenco
- 26 / Perenco Acquires Substantial Oil… : http://www2.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=PRNI2&STORY=/www/story/01-14-2008/0004735957&EDATE=
- 27 / HOME : les images que vous ne verrez jamais... - AgoraVox le média ... : http://www.agoravox.fr/actualites/international/article/home-les-images-que-vous-ne-verrez-57652
- 28 / Perenco, Perenco PLC, Perfil de Empresa, : http://www.bnamericas.com/company-profile/es/Perenco_PLC-Perenco
- 29 / Peru Oil Drilling | VivirLatino : http://vivirlatino.com/tags/peru-oil-drilling
- 30 / Peru Rain Forest | VivirLatino : http://vivirlatino.com/tags/peru-rain-forest
- 31 / Iquitos Peru: IndÃgenas kishuas y petrolera… : http://www.organicconsumers.org/ACO/articulos/article_18052.cfm
- 32 / Ministry greenlights Perenco EIS for block… : http://www.bnamericas.com/news/oilandgas/Ministry_greenlights_Perenco_EIS_for_block_67_work
- 33 / Peru: oil company poised to enter… : http://ww4report.com/node/6633
- 34 / Peru: The silent genocide of the last… : http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/143/Peru.html
- 35 / Servindi » Perú: Problemas para petrolera… : http://www.servindi.org/actualidad/6786
- 36 / Peru approves controversial Amazon oil… : http://ww4report.com/node/7533
- 37 / Perú aprueba un gran proyecto petrolero… : http://www.survival.es/noticias/4707
- 38 / Empresas de Perú : http://empresasdeperu.blogspot.com/
- 39 / Inauguración Buque Tópico Pastaza -… : http://www.ambafrance-pe.org/spip.php?article1205
- 40 / Perenco SA | Crocodyl : http://www.crocodyl.org/wiki/perenco_sa
- 41 / Drilnet - Our clients : http://www.drilnet.com/our_clients.php
- 42 / [Repsol Mata] Militares rompen cerco del… : http://repsolmata.ourproject.org/breve.php3?id_breve=194
- 43 / Perú el genocidio silencioso de los últimos… : http://www.wrm.org.uy/boletin/143/Peru.html
- 44 / Peru en movimiento : http://peru-enmovimiento.blogspot.com/
- 45 / Servindi » Perú: El Lote 67, Perenco y las… : http://www.servindi.org/actualidad/opinion/14347
- 46 / Al Jazeera English - Americas - Peru army… : http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2009/05/2009516204248225356.html
- 47 / Satellite mapping Projects - Earth Observation Consulting Services ... : http://www.tti.fr/company-info/references.php
- 48 / Perupetro S.A. - Perú un paÃs para invertir… : http://www.perupetro.com.pe/estadisticas01-s.asp
- 49 / Protégez les droits des peuples autochtones - Sauvez l’Amazonie! : http://www.avaaz.org/fr/peru_stop_violence/
- 50 / Press Release - Amazon Watch : http://www.amazonwatch.org/amazon/PE/view_news.php?id=1521
- 51 / Le Sauvageon.org : http://www.lesauvageon.org/spip.php?article897
- 52 / RIGZONE - Perenco Taps Fugro to Map Oil… : http://www.rigzone.com/news/article.asp?a_id=80684
- 53 / Ölkonzern Perenco und peruanisches Militär… : http://www.survival-international.de/nachrichten/4531
- 54 / On-Q Initiative - Youth for Truth - Peru : http://peru-youth4truth.bbnow.org/
- 55 / Empresas en Perú: MAKRO : http://empresasenperu.blogspot.com/2007/10/makro.html
- 56 /
- 57 / Agenda de contacto UNYK - loreto - peru - 0 : http://es.unyk.com/persona-contacto/peru/loreto
- 58 / The big clash - indigenous v multinationals… : http://blog.newint.org/editors/2009/06/30/the-big-clash/
- 59 / Massive Amazon Oil Discovery Threatens… : http://lastdaysoftheincas.com/wordpress/?p=267
- 60 / Peru – Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:Peru
- 61 / France-Diplomatie : http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/country-files_156/ecuador_451/france-and-ecuador_3964/political-relations_7107/ecuador-situation-of-the-perenco-company-20.07.09_13126.html
- 62 / Peru to proceed with oil and gas auctions… : http://news.mongabay.com/2009/0807-peru.html
- 63 / PERU - INFRAESTRUCTURA Y ENERGÃA EN… : http://www.infraest-energ-sudamerica.org/peru
- 64 / Congelati in Ecuador i ricavi petroliferi… : http://www.survival.it/notizie/4314
- 65 / Perupetro S.A. - Peru: Place to Carry Out… : http://www.perupetro.com.pe/estadisticas01-e.asp
- 66 / Inside Peru Sap Ecc 6 Lombardi : http://www.slideshare.net/LuisLombardi/inside-peru-sap-ecc-6-lombardi
- 67 / Perú: IndÃgenas ponen en jaque proyectos de… : http://www.censat.org/noticias/2009/9/10/Peru-Indigenas-ponen-en-jaque-proyectos-de-Perenco-y-Repsol-en-la-Amazonia/
- 68 / Peru Helicopter Company Now Russian Owned -… : http://english.pravda.ru/business/companies/28-08-2009/109019-peruheli-0
- 69 / Worldpress.org - World Press Wire : http://www.worldpress.org/feed.cfm?http://www.livinginperu.com/news/11126
- 70 / IndÃgenas amazónicos inician protesta por… : http://www.infraest-energ-sudamerica.org/doc192.html
- 71 / OLYMPIC PERU INC SUCURSAL DEL PERU : http://www.universidadperu.com/empresas/olympic-peru-inc-sucursal-peru.php
- 72 / Peru | Global Envision : http://www.globalenvision.org/countries/peru
- 73 / Peruvian Embassy : http://www.peruembassy-uk.com/Embassy2006/Files_html/SiteIngles/Boletin/BoletinWebPerupetro.html
- 74 / Bolivie : http://www.oniros.fr/perou.html
- 75 / France Amerique Latine : http://www.franceameriquelatine.org/index.php?m=3&idnews=115
- 76 / Do Peru's uncontacted Amazon tribes even… : http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jul/04/peru-amazon-rainforest-conservation?FORM=ZZNR2
- 77 / Peru news, all the latest and breaking… : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/peru/
- 78 / IdeeleRadio : http://www.ideeleradio.org.pe/look/portal/article.tpl?IdLanguage=13&IdPublication=7&NrIssue=62&NrSection=50&NrArticle=24536
- 79 / Ecuador friert Öl-Erträge von Perus… : http://www.survival-international.de/nachrichten/4312
- 80 /
- 81 /
- 82 / France-Diplomatie : http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/es/fichas-paises_1/ecuador_57/francia-y-ecuador_1645/relaciones-politicas_1646/ecuador-situacion-compania-perenco-20.07.09_7271.html
- 83 / Petroecuador to sell seized Perenco oil -… : http://www.upstreamonline.com/live/article178358.ece
- 84 / Perupetro S.A. - Peru: Place to Carry Out… : http://mirror.perupetro.com.pe/negociaciones02-e.asp
- 85 / CADTM - Perú: Amazónicos continúan con… : http://www.cadtm.org/Peru-Amazonicos-continuan-con
- 86 / France Amerique Latine : http://www.franceameriquelatine.org/index.php?m=3&idnews=134
- 87 / Peru | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters : https://www.adbusters.org/category/tags/peru
- 88 / Econoticiasbolivia -Petroleras, a sangre y… : http://www.econoticiasbolivia.com/documentos/notadeldia/perumasacredos.html
- 89 / L'En Dehors - Bain de sang dans l’Amazonie péruvienne : http://endehors.org/news/bain-de-sang-dans-l-amazonie-peruvienne
- 90 / Aidesep, pueblos indÃgenas amazónicos del… : http://www.aidesep.org.pe/index.php?codnota=945
- 91 / News : http://www.iesl-global.com/news.html
- 92 / Perù: azione legale degli Indios amazzonici… : http://www.salvaleforeste.it/perenco-denuncia-legale.html
- 93 / Peru's Natural-Gas Production Rose to… : http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601086&sid=aVwXxItbWQJc&refer=news
- 94 / Pelham - News & Reports - Pelham appointed… : http://www.pelhampr.com/news
- 95 /
- 96 / Perú otorgará 17 concesiones petroleras en… : http://argentina.indymedia.org/news/2009/10/700106.php
- 97 / YouTube - proycontravideo's Channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/proycontravideo
- 98 / Peru plans more Amazon oil auctions :… : http://climateandcapitalism.com/?p=995
- 99 / Notizie da Perù - Survival International : http://www.survival.it/notizie/paesi/peru
- 100 / BBC NEWS | Americas | Peru army call for… : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/americas/8054043.stm
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