Test effectué le 29/10/2009 à 16:58:05
Mots clés
Résultat de votre test
Moteur de recherche |
Url |
Mots clés |
Résultat |
google.fr (Web) | www.emvinformatique.com | emv | >100 |
">100" signifie que le site testé n'a pas été trouvé dans les 100 premiers résultats (c'est à dire les 10 premières pages).
Titre : emvinformatique.comDescription : Dépannage informatique à domicile pour les particuliers.Assistance et maintenance informatique pour les entreprises dans vos locaux.
Résultats pour "emv" / google.fr (Web)
- 1 / EMV : entree du site : http://www.emv.fr/
- 2 / EMVCo : http://www.emvco.com/
- 3 / Europay Mastercard Visa - Wikipédia : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europay_Mastercard_Visa
- 4 / EMV - Wikipédia : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMV
- 5 / EMV : la nouvelle carte bancaire - Banque, assurance, finance ... : http://www.guideinformatique.com/fiche-emv_la_nouvelle_carte_bancaire-796.htm
- 6 / 1. EMV : les évolutions - Groupement des Cartes Bancaires "CB" : http://www.cartes-bancaires.com/spip.php?article42
- 7 / 2. EMV/DDA - Groupement des Cartes Bancaires "CB" : http://www.cartes-bancaires.com/spip.php?rubrique17
- 8 / Page d'infos de Emv : http://www.planete-sciences.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/emv
- 9 / Première solution commerciale EMV-CAP en Asie : Gemalto sécurise ... : http://www.gemalto.com/php/pr_view.php?id=541
- 10 / L'option Environnement, Matière, Vivant — Option EMV : http://www.etudes.ecp.fr/option-emv
- 11 / New Acai Energy Drink, Healthy Energy Supplement | Monavie Emv : http://www.monavie-emv.com/
- 12 / Parcours EMV | Masters Sciences pour l'environnement : http://www.mbgae.org/blog/parcours-emv/
- 13 / EMV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMV
- 14 / EMV™ : la technologie à puce : http://www.visaeurope.ch/fr/visa_au_quotidien/emv.jsp
- 15 / emv GmbH - EMC & RF Testing Instrumentation - Home : http://www.emvgmbh.de/english/
- 16 / Financial Services & Retail Newsletter (July 2009) - RBS in Asia ... : http://www.gemalto.com/emv/rbs_asia_fr.html
- 17 / MonaVie EMV - MonaVie's new energy acai drink : http://www.monavie.com/Web/US/en/monavie_emv.dhtml
- 18 / Mesago Messe Frankfurt - EMV : http://www.mesago.de/en/EMV/main.htm
- 19 / EMV - Roeselare / EMV - Marquian : http://www.emv.be/
- 20 / EMV: Summary for SPDR DJ MID CAP VALU - Yahoo! Finance : http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=EMV
- 21 / Visa Canada | Les cartes à puce Visa | La norme EMV : http://www.visa.ca/puce/titulaires-de-carte/la-norme-emv/
- 22 / 1 La norme EMV La norme EMV : http://cedric.cnam.fr/~bouzefra/cours/cours_SEM/Cartes_Bouzefrane_EMV.pdf
- 23 / EMV-Software : High quality games and utilities. Top software with ... : http://www.emv-software.com/
- 24 / Consultant Monétique / EMV Carte à Puces H/F - Offre d'emploi ... : http://jd.apec.fr/offres-emploi-cadres/0_0_9_16695913_701_______offre-d-emploi-consultant-monetique-emv-carte-a-puces-h-f.html
- 25 / Schaffner - The international leader in the field of ... : http://www.schaffner.com/
- 26 / EMV Technologies, LLC : http://www.emvtechnologies.com/
- 27 / EMV Ltd : http://www.emv.co.uk/
- 28 / YouTube - Emv Mona Vie's New Energy Drink! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M9SizIzpQg
- 29 / Certification EMV : FIME - Laboratoires accrédités pour ... : http://www.fime.com/_test/certification_EMV/certification-EMV.htm
- 30 / draft-urien-tls-psk-emv-00 - EMV support for TLS-PSK : http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-urien-tls-psk-emv-00
- 31 / Financial/EMV Solution - NBS : http://www.nbstech.com/MKT_EMV.html
- 32 / Javelin Strategy and Research » Payment card security and EMV: ooh ... : http://www.javelinstrategy.com/2009/08/19/payment-card-security-and-emv-ooh-boy-get-ready-for-misinterpretation/
- 33 / emv | freshmeat.net : http://freshmeat.net/projects/emv
- 34 / European Multi-application EMV Cards : http://www.cryptomathic.com/Files/Filer/case%20studies/European_Multi-application_EMV_Cards.pdf
- 35 / Chip cards and EMV: coming soon : http://www.commbank.com.au/business/pds/CBB125_DL_Flyer_210x100_V6.pdf
- 36 / Infos salon: EMV 2010 (Düsseldorf) - Electronique : http://www.eventseye.com/fairs/f-emv-705-0.html
- 37 / DigitalIDNews | EMV takes aim at U.S. : http://www.digitalidnews.com/2009/05/26/emv-takes-aim-at-u-s
- 38 / Computer Laboratory – Security Group: Chip & PIN (EMV) relay attacks : http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/security/banking/relay/
- 39 / AN INTRODUCTION : http://www.actcda.com/resource/emv.pdf
- 40 /
- 41 / EMV Payment Applications : http://www.multos.com/solutions/banking/emv/
- 42 / STMicroelectronics - Smartcard ICs - EMV : http://www.st.com/stonline/products/families/smartcard/sc_app_finance_emvmore.htm
- 43 / EMV - Europay, Mastercard and Visa : http://www.auditmypc.com/acronym/EMV.asp
- 44 / ContactlessNews | MasterCard rolls out new EMV, PayPass cards in Japan : http://www.contactlessnews.com/2009/07/15/mastercard-rolls-out-new-emv-paypass-cards-in-japan
- 45 / EMV | SEPA France : http://www.sepafrance.fr/fr/content/emv
- 46 / Emv Software : http://www.sharewareconnection.com/author.php?name=emv+software
- 47 / Elavon - Merchant Resources - EMV : http://www.elavon.com/acquiring/germany/merchant/emv.aspx
- 48 / EMV standard : http://www.emscard.com/fr/ventes-sur-site/prevention_contre_la_fraude/emv
- 49 / IBM Self service solutions - EMV : http://www-03.ibm.com/services/ca/en/selfservice/emv.html
- 50 / STORES Credit - August: Kicking the Tires on EMV : http://www.stores.org/Credit/2009/08/Edit06.asp
- 51 / STORES Credit - August: Kicking the Tires on EMV : http://www.stores.org/Credit/2009/08/Edit06.asp
- 52 / * EMV - (Économie): Définition : http://fr.mimi.hu/economie/emv.html
- 53 / European ATM Security Team (EAST) Report European EMV (Chip and ... : http://www.clickpress.com/releases/Detailed/164222005cp.shtml
- 54 / Shell in Australia - Tactic EMV Automatic Single Point Lubricators : http://www.shell.com/home/content/au-en/shell_for_businesses/lubricants/tactic/dir_tactic_1229.html
- 55 / SecureIDNews | Nigerian bank begins issuing EMV cards : http://www.secureidnews.com/2009/08/24/nigerian-bank-begins-issuing-emv-cards
- 56 / Frequently asked questions on EMV - Cards - OCBC : http://www.ocbc.com/personal-banking/tools%20and%20info/Toi_Poc_Trc_CreCrd_EMVFAQ.shtm
- 57 / File Extension .EMV Details : http://filext.com/file-extension/EMV
- 58 / Digital Money Forum: EMV : http://digitaldebateblogs.typepad.com/digital_money/emv/
- 59 / EMV Alumni (Former Participants) (EMV Alumni) - GetInvolved@Purdue ... : http://www.purdue.edu/emv
- 60 / Gulf Daily News » Business News » Bank rolls out new EMV chip ... : http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/NewsDetails.aspx?storyid=255079
- 61 / 5. GMM Fachtagung EMV in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik 2009, Munich ... : http://www.feko.info/events/5.-gmm-fachtagung-emv-in-der-kraftfahrzeugtechnik-munich-germany-21.oct-22.-oct-2009
- 62 / VeriFone Official Site | Secure payment solutions for credit ... : http://www.verifone.com/about-us/industry-leadership/security/emv.aspx
- 63 / Ending Market Value - EMV : http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/ending-market-value.asp
- 64 / Global EMV migration update: Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin ... : http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G1-169026026.html
- 65 / Dynamic Card Solutions Continues to Enhance EMV Expertise by ... : http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS121537+22-Sep-2009+BW20090922
- 66 / EMV Studios | Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Los-Alamos-NM/EMV-Studios/84122720811
- 67 / Penetration of emivirine (coactinon, EMV) in CSF from HIV-infected ... : http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/MeetingAbstracts/102243193.html
- 68 / CALYPSO CANADA EMV CERTIFICATION ALLOWS UPGRADE OF THOUSANDS OF ... : http://www.tnsi.com/Content/Upload/file/Calypso%20Canada%20Certification%20Release%20FINAL.PDF
- 69 / djo emv - LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/pub/djo-emv/7/320/663
- 70 / EMV-CAP and CTVS Technical Module : http://www.vasco.com/consulting/emv-cap_and_ctvs_technical_module.aspx
- 71 / EMV-CAP and CTVS Technical Module : http://www.vasco.com/consulting/emv-cap_and_ctvs_technical_module.aspx
- 72 / EWA-Canada - EMV : http://www.ewa-canada.com/capabilities/EMV.php
- 73 / IBPlc EMV Chip & PIN card technology : http://www.businessdayonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3465:ibplc-emv-chip-a-pin-card-technology&catid=77:telecoms&Itemid=337
- 74 / YouTube - Emv - MonaVie Emv Commercial - Old guy fight : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tH3Wo6np74
- 75 / eema | EMV : http://www.eema.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=focus.content&cmid=94
- 76 / Albis Technologies – Services – Certification Laboratory ... : http://www.albistechnologies.com/services/certification/produkte/emv/index.php
- 77 / emv : les fournisseurs, fabricants, grossistes et distributeurs ... : http://www.hellopro.fr/emv-mt.html
- 78 / EMV VGA Illunis : http://www.photonlines.fr/physique/cameras-ccd-haute-resolution/emv-vga-illunis.html
- 79 / aLaide.com - Dictionnaire - Définition : EMV : http://www.alaide.com/dico.php?q=EMV
- 80 / La carte bancaire française migre en renâclant vers le standard EMV : http://www.01net.com/article/152973.html
- 81 / Authentification Administrateur sur Emv : http://www.planete-sciences.org/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/emv
- 82 / SafeSign EMV CAP - iss.thalesgroup.com : http://iss.thalesgroup.com/en/Resources/Product%20Data%20Sheets/SafeSign%20EMV%20CAP.aspx
- 83 /
- 84 / SIX Multipay - Technologie de la carte à puce EMV : http://www.currency-iso.org/fr/tkmpch_index/tkmpch_home/tkmpch_customerservice/tkmpch_customerservice_ep2.htm
- 85 / Lecteur bancaire CB CAD30 EMV - LM Control : http://www.lmcontrol.com/systemes-paiement/lecteur-nfc-bancaire-cb-moneo-paypass-paywave/150-lecteur-paiement-bancaire-cb-emv-cad30.html
- 86 / Garage et dépannage Automobile EMV à Englos dans le Nord : http://annuaire.indexweb.info/60979/garage-depannage-automobile-emv-englos-nord.html
- 87 / EMV Transactions : http://www.gi-de.com/portal/page?_pageid=42,142680&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
- 88 / EMV social housing - david chipperfield - Madrid - Spain : http://www.danda.be/gallery/emv_social_housing/
- 89 / Making the most from EMV - Elsevier : http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0965259007701342
- 90 / EmbeddedJava - EMV application : http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5401894
- 91 / AR-EMV FRANCE : http://www.usinenouvelle.com/expo/ar-emv-france-4403/
- 92 / OpenWay and Eracom Technologies bolster WAY4 EMV Card Issuing ... : http://www.openwaygroup.com/news_card.jsp?dcion=351&rgn=1&lng=1
- 93 / Press Release: Axalto Scores First in EMV Migration, Schlumberger : http://www.slb.com/modules/news/press/release_details.asp?id=17121&
- 94 / BBVA Bancomer booste son deploiement EMV en achetant 100 000 ... : http://www.prnewswire.co.uk/cgi/news/release?id=158395
- 95 / EMV™ | RSA Information Security Glossary : http://www.rsa.com/glossary/default.asp?id=1109
- 96 / How to Use Expected Monetary Value (EMV) : http://www.exforsys.com/career-center/risk-management/how-to-use-expected-monetary-value-emv.html
- 97 / Arm's Ease of Movement Value (EMV) : http://www.waldata.fr/analysetechnique/bibliotheque/arm_EMV.asp
- 98 / Première solution commerciale EMV-CAP en Asie : Gemalto sécurise ... : http://www.generation-nt.com/premiere-solution-commerciale-emv-cap-asie-gemalto-securise-newswire-260031.html
- 99 / Software of EMV Software - Deluxe PocMon, Warblade ... : http://www.fileguru.com/user/emv_software
- 100 / Alliance Activities : Publications : Payments : EMV Payments ... : http://www.smartcardalliance.org/pages/publications-payments-emv-payments
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